Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Wari lords have long been overshadowed by the later Inca, whose achievements were extensively documented by their Spanish conquerors. But in the 8th and 9th centuries A.D., the Wari built an empire that spanned much of present-day Peru. Their Andean capital, Huari, became one of the world's great cities. At its zenith, Huari boasted a population conservatively estimated at about 40,000 people. Paris, by comparison, had just 25,000 residents at the time.


As the archaeologists carefully removed the fill, they discovered rows of human bodies buried in a seated position and wrapped in poorly preserved textiles. Nearby, in three small side chambers, were the remains of three Wari queens and many of their prized possessions, including weaving tools made of gold. "So what were these first ladies doing at the imperial court? They were weaving cloth with gold instruments," says Makowski.

Mourners had also interred many other treasures in the room: inlaid gold and silver ear-ornaments, silver bowls, bronze ritual axes, a rare alabaster drinking cup, knives, coca leaf containers, brilliantly painted ceramics from many parts of the Andean world, and other precious objects. Giersz and his colleagues had never seen anything like it before. "We are talking about the first unearthed royal imperial tomb," says Giersz.

But for archaeologists, the greatest treasure will be the tomb's wealth of new information on the Wari Empire. The construction of an imperial mausoleum at El Castillo shows that Wari lords conquered and politically controlled this part of the northern coast, and likely played a key role in the downfall of the northernMoche kingdom. Intriguingly, one vessel from the mausoleum depicts coastal warriors battling axe-wielding Wari invaders.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Scientists have identified three new planets around a star they already suspected hosted a trio of worlds.
It means this relatively nearby star, Gliese 667C, now has three so-called super-Earths orbiting in its "habitable zone".
This is the region where temperatures ought to allow for the possibility of liquid water, although no-one can say for sure what conditions are really like on these planets.
Gliese 667C is 22 light-years away.

In every Israel election Israeli Jewish parents could vote for a better future for their children by voting for an end to the occupation that has gone on for 46 years and for equal rights for all Israeli citizens after 65 years of inequality based on ethnic-religious identities.

They could vote to have their children grow up and live in a country that respects human rights, international law and equality of human beings no matter their background.

But they don't vote for that. They vote for continuation of the occupation, for more Ethnic Cleansing, for intensifying Apartheid.

It seems that Israeli Jewish parents hate Arabs more than love their own children.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's funny how the countries which are usually full of "Freedom" rhetoric to the extent that it nauseates the foreign observer, appear to nowadays have the most spineless politicians and apathetic populations when it would be time to stand up and protect those supposedly cherished freedoms - or at least a time to show some amount of indignation for the loss of them.
But it seems that the British forget all about Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus and other stuff like that and the Yankees, who usually are like silverback gorillas thumping their chests and shouting about "Land of the Free! Live Free or Die!", fall silent and find something more interesting and unpolitical to do when reality bites them by showing the ugly modern truths under all that old heirloom rhetoric.

Friday, June 21, 2013

I'm getting the feeling that the wrong side won the Cold War. We would still have security states, but at least they would be ones without hedge funds.

Through Pats Kokomo:

Concluding observations on the second to fourth periodic
reports of Israel, adopted by the Committee at its sixty-third session (27 May–14June 2013)

Page 19 of 21 72 point: The Committee urges the State party to immediately abide by the High Court of Justice in Adalah et al. v. Commander of the Central Region etal., to take active measures to prevent the use of children as human shields and informants, effectively enforce the prohibition to use of children as human shields and informants and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice and punished with sanctions commensurate with the gravity of their crimes.

We can be the agent of change, it´s not enough to "like it", please, in order to make an impact share it! Thanks ♥

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I have no doubt that United States uses it's spying on Europe to conduct industrial espionage - sharing the loot with the US companies that act as arms of the NSA, FBI and so on - but probably also to spy on European politicians and high ranking bureaucrats, trying to find skeletons in the closet that they can use to blackmail them.

The utterly spineless Viviane Reding for example; her meek "I must believe what the American government says" is hard to explain otherwise, nobody that naive in real life would have an IQ high enough to be able to act as a commissioner.

Friday, June 14, 2013

If the "West" is too weak to stop Israel from ethnically cleansing occupied East Jerusalem and West Bank, if "West" is too weak to stop Israel from building more and enlargening existing illegal settlements, then at least the "West" should stop de facto supporting the ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement building.

If "West" can't do anything for peace, it should at least stop supporting Israel's illegal activities to make peace impossible. No more "deploring" by Catherine Ashton, instead condemnation.

The extremely favourable - to Israel - trade deals that EU has made with Israel should be the first to go.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Israel is able to keep up the occupation, Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing because it has had to suffer no major ill consequences and has instead been able to profit out of the suffering of Palestinians.

Ordinary citizens have been able to enjoy the fruits of occupation too and this always a majority of them votes for more suffering on the Palestinians.

To end the occupation and Apartheid majority of Israelis have to be made to feel that the occupation and oppression hurts them more than it benefits them. That they will come to see that the occupation must end.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cultural boycott is not counterproductive. It brings pressure on Israel, unlike keeping up the status quo and it's weekly announcements of new illegal settlement building projects and daily attacks by settlers.

Zionists have become comfortable with the occupation. US blocks all international sanctions against Israel, so it's the moral duty of normal people to make the majority of Israelis uncomfortable with the coccupation and oppression.
Israel is an Apartheid state build and kept up through ethnic cleansing. (There's a reason why it's illegal settlements are called "Jewish settlements" you know - no Israeli Arabs, no Palestinians allowed to live in them.)

Israel tortured a man named Arafat Jaradat(1983-2013) to death this year. They arrested him for throwing a stone and demanded that he become an informant for them and when he didn't they tortured him until he died.

Majority of Israeli academics are quite comfortable with the whole occupation and all the human suffering it causes. It's only right that they are made to be pay a price for allowing their government to do commit human rights violations and war crimes.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Commenting in a thread on Politico article on NSA spying and Edward Snowden: 

He isn't giving anything yet to China and it might be that he won't give them anything. If the Chinese government is wise, they just give him a security detail and let him freely meet every possible journalist that wants to interview him.

That would hurt US more than any extra detail he could give to the Chinese and it's hard to think that there wouldn't already be any Chinese spies among the 1 million employees, contractors and subcontractors working for US intelligence services, NSA included.

I would guess that NSA probably has enough moles so that other major states like Russia and less major states that are interested of spying US - like Israel - are pretty well aware of what NSA is doing.

No wonder that Russia, China and in less extent EU are so interested of having their own internet capabilities and constraining the activities of Big Tech allied with US government in the spying.

That of course also means that if US government is ready to pay a price big enough, then Snowden's likely B plan (cross the border to China proper seeking protection there) might not be worth much to him, only to the Chinese.
Swedish Folke Bernadotte saved 30 000 Jews from the Concentration Camps during World War 2.

In 1948 he was sent as UN envoy to Palestine to negotiate peace. Because of his background, it was expected by UN that the Zionists would view him positively and would more easily listen to him.

What the Zionists did - with the future prime minister Yitzhak Shamir playing a major role - was to murder him.

That was his reward from Israel for saving 30 000 Jews from death at the hands of the Nazis. Being murdered.

That's the Israeli idea of justice and how much they really care for the Holocaust.
Commenting to Damian Thompson's article on the Torygraph:

Snowden will not be a "Rightwing" hero, the author is deluded, if he means "Republican" or "Conservative" with the "Rightwing".

Some of them are cheering him because they see him hurting Obama, but in fact he's hurting the intelligence apparatus that both main parties in USA have been building since the beginning of the Cold War and a lot of Republicans don't like this.

Think of Ari Fleischer who has lauded Obama for his actions, calling his second term "The fourth term of George W. Bush."

Instead I think he will be a hero to a lot of people coming from all political ideologies, and probably a traitor to people from most political ideologies. It will be mixed, but those who dislike the current political and geopolitical situation overall in US and in the World will see him the most positively.

What comes to Obama, he will certainly serve his term to the end, probably pretty popular still but his reputation stained by this. One has to remember that this is not about the person in the Oval Office, but the deeper currents in the government that go on from administration from administration.

To truly change things, policies have to be changed, laws have to be changed to create "firewalls", vast amount of personnel needs to be changed and other arms of the government need to be galvanized to do their job in reining in the presidency and the intelligence agencies when they go too far. (I doubt this will happen.)

Observe how Congress has failed in this even when in other issues the party that hasn't been and has wanted to get to the Oval Office has gone very far to obsctruct the presidents. The intelligence agencies, like Pentagon, have been a kind of holy cow hat every politician worships publicly and avoids criticizing "too much".

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Since the beginning of 2000, Israel is killed 1579 Palestinian children.

Zionists believe that they should have a right to kidnap, torture, kill people and steal land to their hearts' content without suffering any casualties at all.

And without having to suffer any criticism either.
As long as Zionists prefer Ethnic Cleansing, Apartheid and other human rights violations and war crimes to peace, they have no right to complain about if they now and then suffer casualties themselves.

Israeli voters could vote for peace in their elections, but instead majority always votes for more occupation, more Ethnic Cleansing and more racist policies.

US government and tech companies' arrogant behaviour in the PRISM and Boundless Informant issue, when they just assume that all information of "foreigners" belongs to them, that only "Americans" have a right to privacy (as long as they are obedient and don't have any contacts to abroad) is a good example why United States is so hated, loathed and despised elsewhere on this planet.

It hasn't occurred to any representative of US government at any level to even claim (dishonest as it would have been) that they don't steal information of citizens of other countries. They just assume that everybody else except the "American" voter is inconsequential and need not be bothered with even with falsely comforting lies.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

So many people who seem to think that Israel must be utterly good and perfect, incapable of doing anything wrong, because it declares itself  to be a Jewish state.

Well, here's news to you: Jews are are no better or no worse overall than other humans - they are not demigods with halos around their heads - and when given the opportunity to commit atrocities with knowledge that they can get away with everything they do, as the "West" has allowed to happen in Palestine,  they fall as hard and deep as any other group of people would.

The problem with the Philosemites is that they have as ridiculous extreme view of Jews as the Antisemites do, just exactly opposite.
Israel is trying to steal what remains of the Palestinians' lands. Everybody who has seen the map of Israeli settlements, it's illegal Wall, it's "Jewish settlers only" roads on the West Bank knows this.

It's a colonialistic landgrab, made possible by the Israel Lobby buying the whole US Congress from decade to decade.

And it's not just the Congress: Bill Clinton has just been paid in advance 500 000 dollars to give a 45 minute talk to one Israeli organization taking part in the colonialist project on the occupied areas.
Israel is using the genocide done by the Nazis as a tool to get away with it's own atrocities. This has to be stopped, Israel must be forced to stop hiding behind the Holocaust and must not be allowed to get away with it's own crimes as a result of a guilty conscience over the Jewish genocide.

Jewish blood can't be washed away from the hands of the "West" by Palestinian blood. Attempt to do so just leaves more blood in our hands.
If international organizations and major states don't bring sanctions to Israel, then normal citizens must act.

And it's not just Israel, the Boycott and Disinvestment movement can and should serve as an example and inspiration to solve other similar situations where the so-called international community is unwilling or uncapable of acting. For example, Western Sahara and West Papua.

The Tibetans are already running their own "Boycott China" campaign, and are now targeting foreign companies taking part in the "re-development" of Lhasa.

I encourage you to support them, the West Papuans, the Sahrawis of Western Sahara and to support the boycott of Israel until justice is done.
PLO has recognized Israel as a state since 1988 and is ready to let Israel get 78 % of British Palestine if Israel let's Palestinians have East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza.

In 2008 Abbas even offered to give half of East Jerusalem to Israel and betray the rights of refugees, offering that Israel should only take 17 000 refugees back, but even these where too much for Olmert's government, which demanded the whole of East Jerusalem.

Instead of Israel allowing right of return to any refugees - which all have it according to international law - Israeli politicians like the current government minister Tzipi Livni demand that Israeli Arabs should be ethnically cleansed as part of a peace agreement and moved to the West Bank.

Monday, June 03, 2013

ESO - eso1324 - Lightest Exoplanet Imaged So Far?

"A team of astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope has imaged a faint object moving near a bright star. With an estimated mass of four to five times that of Jupiter, it would be the least massive planet to be directly observed outside the Solar System. The discovery is an important contribution to our understanding of the formation and evolution of planetary systems."

Never-Before-Seen Alien Planet Imaged Directly in New Photo |

A sharp new photo released by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) today (June 3) depicts the suspected gas giant (called HD 95086 b) circling its young star (named HD 95086) in infrared light. The star has been removed from the image to allow the planet — shown as a bright blue dot at the bottom left of the picture — to shine through.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Istanbul this evening, as the Taksim Gezi park protest turned into an uprising after police attacked the protesters:

Canadian visa refusal for Palestinian poet overturned after social media campaign | Books |

Canadian visa refusal for Palestinian poet overturned after social media campaign | Books |

A social media victory is being claimed on behalf of the leading Palestinian poet Ghassan Zaqtan after his visa to enter Canada to attend a prestigious poetry award ceremony - initially denied - was granted on Thursday.

Zaqtan was shortlisted for the C$65,000 (£41,000) Griffin poetry prize in April for his 10th collection Like a Straw Bird It Follows Me, described by judges as poetry which "reminds us why we live and how, in the midst of war, despair, global changes". But the Palestinian poet and novelist, who is also founding director of the House of Poetry in Ramallah, found that his request for a visa to travel to Canada to attend the ceremony was denied by the Canadian embassy in Cairo, according to his translator Fady Joudah, on the grounds that "the reason for the visit is unconvincing".