Saturday, February 28, 2015


AFP has in this kneeled before Israel and forced by it to lie. Look at the web pages of Israeli authorities about water projects in the Negev and the Jewish National Fund boasting about how it has built dams on riverbeds in the Negev.

Then go to Google Maps and see the former rivers and the Wadi Gaza running from Israel to Gaza in dotted lines and the named and unnamed Israeli reservoirs around Gaza. Reservoirs which, according to Jewish National Fund, use recycled "waste water" only when rainfall has been low and otherwise take water from rivers. And UN's FAO has praised Israel's small "high-text" sub-surface dams in Negev.

North of Gaza is the Shikma seasonal reservoir, formed by the Shikma Dam. AFP has no courage to report reality, only Israeli propaganda now, which now claims that all those water projects Israel otherwise brags about don't exist.

Bil'in 27.2.2015- 10th anniversary demonstration

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

One of many crowd-funding efforts to help besieged Gaza's inhabitants, who have been betrayed by the international community through it's indifference to human suffering and deferential behaviour towards Israel:

Keeping The Children Of Gaza Alive

Killing of Haidala

Monday, February 16, 2015

My two latest posts for I am Palestinian I am not a terrorist:

Leila Khaled - Message of Solidarity to the People of Greece

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My latest:

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Fawning worship of Israel and belief to it's moral, economic and military superiority is at first sight a curious part of the neo-liberal political package in the so-called "West".

It might be hard to understand why belief in unrestrained "free markets" and support for Israel's right to unrestrained use of force tend to go hand in hand, but that's how it is and the reason is rather simple:

Political elites' contempt of their "own" people, forcing them to accept economic "reforms" that hurt them and help the elite is easily transplanted from domestic to foreign policy - and vice versa.

Celebration of "necessary" hardship for workers and use of extensive force against occupied people until both "accept" what is demanded are just two sides of the coin and it wasn't hard to make the 'Western' elites who already felt (and were encouraged to do so more by original 'true believers' from within) sympathy to Israel's elite to see the project of "Greater Israel" as another hard, but "necessary reform" that was needed to protect Israel, in the manner of protecting their own wealth and economic growth that would benefit it.

At the same time domestic workers and the "under-class" are seen increasingly as a threat that needs to be dealt with in the "Israeli manner" - which has led to the training of thousands (a conservative estimate) of "Western" police officers by Israel. And we all know, just like the "Western" elites know, what kind of training unavailable in the "West" can be gained from Israel.

Support for eternal Israeli occupation - "containment" - of Palestinians and use of increasingly militarized "Western" police to "contain" domestic opposition to neo-liberal economical and political goals exist in a symbiotic relationship, each strengthening the other in the minds of the "Western" elites.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Numerous states and dynasties have fallen as result of local climate change, sometimes human driven. But civilizations tend to last much better.

The Sumerian culture as a living, everyday entity connected to a political system that identified itself as Sumerian came to an end, but the larger Mesopotamian civilization which Sumerians inaugurated survived and can be said to survive even today in a way. Civilizations are much more durable than states.

It's the "less developed" - to use a somewhat aged term - non-urban cultures living a more precarious existence that tend to fall victim to local and global climate change.