Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
We see them as human beings also, and also as victims of the Israeli regime and it's inhumane policies.
But the oppressed people come before the occupiers, just like most people consider first the suffering of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust before the German civilians who suffered in the Allied bombings.
It's not denying the humanity or the suffering of the latter.
Palestine was mentioned already by the Carian-Greek historian Herodotos(484-425 BCE).
United States of America must not exist either, as it was a Colonial invention by the British settlers of the eastern seaboard of the Turtle Island and had no previous existence prior to 1776.
Same goes naturally for Australia, Canada, New Zealand and that later invention of European settlers, Israel.
The first part is pure fantasy. The first written examples of Hebrew, for example, are short texts from the mid-8th century BCE.
Everything you write about Palestinians beyond the anthem is just wrong and I bet you know it. Even "liberal Zionists" Kimmerling and Migdah in their "The Palestinian People" date Palestinian identity (and national struggle) back to 1834.
Palestinian National Congresses were already meeting in the 1910s. Those who established PLO in 1964 included members of Palestinian parties of the 1920-1940s and participants of the 1936-1939 uprising against the British rule.
Palestinian flag was the Palestinian flag already in the 1930s and then it had the Muslim Crescent Moon and the Christian Cross in it, which were later removed to make it religiously neutral.
Israeli occupation claimed that Samer had broken the rules of his probation by visiting another village. Israel claims to have (illegally) annexed this particular village and claims it is part of Jerusalem, but now decided - so that they could get Samer back in jail - that it was actually on the West Bank. Because of this, as a part of the deal to end his hunger strike, Samer was sentenced to 8 months for supposedly breaking the rules of his probation.
Part of the prisoner exchange deal. Israel has imprisoned again dozens of ex- political prisoners released as part of it by using various excuses or none at all in some cases.
Israel accused Samer Issawi of being a member of DFLP - a small leftwing party (enjoys 3-4 percent support among Palestinians in the occupied territories), member of the Abbas' government, and no longer in US "terrorism" list - and having taken part in the second intifada in an armed attack against illegal settlers, in which no one was injured.
In the typical Israeli manner they had sentenced him for decades in jail for this act of opposing the occupation.
Baruch Goldstein, the illegal settler terrorist, murdered Samir's teenage brother and 28 other people in 1994. Goldstein is considered a great hero among large number of Jewish Israelis and his grave is a place of modern day pilgrimage.
Majority on either side is not interested in a lasting peace that majority on the other side would be ready to accept.
Palestinians are ready to give up far more than Israel, but this is still not enough for the majority on the Israeli side, which Israeli elections clearly show.
There simply isn't a majority on the Israeli side which would accept pre-1967 lines with few land swaps, which is basically the minimum for a viable Palestinian state.
In the current negotiations Israel demands that it would be allowed to annex Jordan Valley or at least control it for 25 more years. According to World Bank, Jordan Valley could produce 3.5 billion dollars a year for Palestinian state (currently Israel gets 620 million dollars a year from the illegal agricultural colonies in there), which is twice the whole international yearly aid to Palestinians.
Samer Issawi's hunger strike was a quite genuine hunger strike, otherwise the Israeli occupation would have claimed otherwise loud and clear.
His teenage brother was one of Baruch Goldstein's victims, most members of his family have been imprisoned by Israel, his brother Medhat for 19 years and one brother's home was destroyed by Israel as a "revenge" for his hunger strike.
3 civilians were killed in Gaza. 3 year old Hala Abu Sheikha, a so far unnamed man in Beit Lahiya and 22 year old Salah Abu Latif (the Israeli Bedouin). 6 others wounded, including mother and brother of Hala, the latter seriously.
These follow attacks in recent days against Gaza and Palestinian fishermen on sea by Israel. On 20th Israeli sniper killed civilian Odeh Jehad Hamad 1 kilometer inside Gaza.
Israel has broken the November 2012 truce almost 300 times, but Western media like CNN refuse to report Israel's atttacks on Gaza - and also most killings on West Banks by Israel, which have increased since the peace negotiations began again.
There have been increasing Israeli attacks in recent days, one civilian death, and apparently as a revenge a Popular Resistance Committee's sniper shot dead an Israeli civilian employee of IDF working on the border fence. After that Israel made artillery and bomb attacks, killing unnamed man and 3/4 year old Hala Abu Sheikha and injured badly her brother and mother.6 other Palestinians at least have been wounded, 3 combatants and 1 child among them.
In 1890 the actual population statistics for Palestine were 432 000 Muslims, 57 000 Christians and 43 000 Jews.
(In 1800 the numbers had been 246 000 Muslims, 22 000 Christians and 7000 Jews.)
In 1922 the numbers were 589 000 Muslims, 71 000 Christians and 84 000 Jews.
In 1931 the numbers were 760 000 Muslims, 89 000 Christians and 175 000 Jews.
In 1947 the numbers were 1 181 000 Muslims, 143 000 Christians and 630 000 Jews.
Oh, by the way, according to the Israeli Supreme Court in their recent decision to reject "Israeli" in national identification cards, there's no such people as "Israeli".
In 1890 the actual population statistics for Palestine were 432 000 Muslims, 57 000 Christians and 43 000 Jews.
(In 1800 the numbers had been 246 000 Muslims, 22 000 Christians and 7000 Jews.)
In 1922 the numbers were 589 000 Muslims, 71 000 Christians and 84 000 Jews.
In 1931 the numbers were 760 000 Muslims, 89 000 Christians and 175 000 Jews.
In 1947 the numbers were 1 181 000 Muslims, 143 000 Christians and 630 000 Jews.
Oh, by the way, according to the Israeli Supreme Court in their recent decision to reject "Israeli" in national identification cards, there's no such people as "Israeli".
Judaism is a religion, ethnically Jews are diverse as recent genetic studies show. Palestinians have deep roots in their land. Genetically they are also very close to the original followers of Judaism; Ashkenazi Jews for example are genetically what a child between a Palestinian and a Northern Italian would be.
International law gives occupied people full right to resist militarily and Americans should remember that George Washington and the other Founding Fathers did not lead a non-violent resistance to the British, but fought a long war to gain independence for the United States.
Americans have no right to say to Palestinians that they should not follow the same path which they themselves took in 1776.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Apologists of Israel expect that there should be something equivalent of Hoover dam on the borders of Gaza and as there isn't, they go on claim that the Palestinian claims are just propaganda.
But there are small dams and two major reservoirs, one seasonal, just on the borders of northern Gaza. Normally these are used to stop water from getting to the Gaza side.
The even occasionally lush vegetation on the ethnically cleansed side of the border is one of the symbols of oppression, not a "miracle" of "making the desert bloom" - just a result of denying water from Gaza.
Friday, December 20, 2013
burning tibet: Last Words of Tsultrim Gyatso
burning tibet: Last Words of Tsultrim Gyatso: (My rough translation of Tsultrim Gyatso's last words. As you can see some parts are hard to read. If anyone comes across a picture in ...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Observe the death of Saleh Yasin today: A Palestinian security forces member becomes immediately "a suspect" to the US media - Associated Press in this case - after the Zionist Apartheid State's occupation forces have killed him. Victim is immediately made to look guilty. But when a Zionist dies, it's immediately a horrible event to the media in the USA, no matter his status and actions.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Saying that shows that you are ignorant what Israel has done - and probably willfully ignorant at that.
51 Israeli laws that treat people differently based on their ethnicity and religion, separate towns build even now for Israeli citizens based on their ethnic-religious identity shows that.
And that's just people with Israeli citizenship. To live under Israeli occupation is much worse for the Palestinians.
Hezbollah already builds its own drones. And with Amazon planning to use drones to deliver packages in the US, one wouldn't even have to build own drones, just to hack existing ones.
And speaking of hacking, one CIA drone was forced to land to Iran when it was hacked and I'm not so sure that all the various drones already used in US regularly could not be hacked and used in terror attacks.
Palestinian universities are being choked by Israel and Jews are allowed to live in Arab countries, and when it comes to Jewish refugees from them, Israel could ask right of return for them but never has, not even when signing peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan.
Before it fell in an Israeli supported coup, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood government actually asked Egyptian Jews to return to Egypt.
Truth is "antisemitism", so ban the Truth so that Zionists and their worshipful Christian Zionist hordes can continue to commit and support atrocities.
That's what you demand.
Because Israel commits Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing and has kept up occupation for 46 years. That's the truth.
If you can't handle that, your place is in a nice round room with padded walls, pumped full of drugs, because Truth and Reality are not going to change just because you deny them as they don't fit with how you would want the world to be like.
You supporters of the Apartheid State want Palestinians to play the role of a "Happy Slave Who Loves His Master" and just stay oppressed and humiliated in dwindling bantustans as your version of the Master Race can do whatever crimes it wants without any criticitism towards it at all.
That's not how the real world works.
If Zionists don't want oppressed people "wanting to kill them", they can stop oppressing them. But that's not that they are ready to do and the oppressed people surely are not going to be the "Happy Slaves" of your imagination.
Go and be a house slave for illegal settlers in their illegal settlements' agricultural fields and play a banjo when their children throw rocks at you - oh yes, the Zionists do that every day, but you folks never mention that, do you? - but don't demand it from others.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Farming under fire: VICTIMS OF 1 YEAR OF CEASEFIRE - List of Palestini...
Farming under fire: VICTIMS OF 1 YEAR OF CEASEFIRE - List of Palestini...: The funeral of martyr Mahmoud Jarghoun Since November 22, 2012, 11 Palestinians have been killed and at least 122 Palestinians...
Monday, November 18, 2013
I don't know why the article again and again claims strong support for Israel among US population like an article of faith. Everybody knows that majority of US voters have little knowledge on the situation in Palestine, thanks to rabidly "pro-Israel" media, and their support for the Apartheid State is in many cases as shallow as their knowledge.
Ask whether they support Israel and you get big numbers in favour of the Apartheid State, but ask whether they are ready to spend another trillion dollars and 5000 US lives to fight Iran in behalf of Israel and the numbers will change.
It's easy to support evil when you are a)denied evidence that what you support is evil and b)there's no price to be paid for doing so. Add a price and support plummets.
Monday, November 04, 2013
Against the Law
In turning towards organizing practices designed to work in the American context and on nationalist terms, the Left often neglects these anticolonial principles and seeks out Jewish voices to validate Palestinian claims. In turn, it privileges Jewish discourse, anxieties, and histories in ways that marginalize Palestinians in their own struggle. At its least productive, the exclusion of Palestinian community voices from both popular narratives and organizing treats the question of Palestine as an intra-Jewish problem. In turn, this prods activists to organize for Palestinian rights under the Jewish state, towards multiculturalism and tolerance rather than justice, towards a better colonialism rather than the end of colonialism.
It should be allowed to questioned, like any events in history, but as an anti-Zionist and a trained historian I have to say that the gas chambers are a proven fact.
There are some questions about number of casualties. 6 million deaths is not set in stone, but it's proven that at least 5.1 million people identified by the Nazis or their own authorities in demographics as Jewish died in World War II.
We also know that the number is higher than 5.1 million, but because the information from Soviet Union - where Nazis would often just gather Jews up and kill them when they conquered a village or town, without bothering to make records of their victims - especially has large differences in estimates, an exact number can never be established.
The main problem that I see with the Nazi genocide of Jewish, Roma and other minorities is that the public gets their view of it from fiction - books, movies and TV - which tend to concentrate on aspects that often give a distorted view of what happened.
Instead of "industrialized genocide" it was especially in the Eastern Front "normal" genocide. Larger amount - at least 1.3 million - of Jewish victims were probably shot than died in gas chambers (at least 900 000).
People were burned, hanged and drowned and at least 1.5 million died of famine and disease in concentration camps, work camps and ghettos.
Friday, November 01, 2013
Time, when seen as a chain of events, is not an illusion. Physicists tend to forget other subjects than their own which put limits on what can actually happen.
Whether its a star or a human being, there is a deliberate chain of events that must happen for them to come into being and that chain of events goes back to the beginning of the universe. Paul Davies could not have come into existence before 3.5 billion years of evolution on Earth, his place in this chain of events that is time is set, not an illusion he holds.
The same is true for changing the direction of the flow of time. In very simple models of universes made of only elementary particles it could happen, but in more complicated universe like ours you can't put a star that exploded ten billion years ago back together or raise dead people from their graves.
Universe is not a video that can be just rewind. For that to happen, every bit of information from the history of the universe would have to be stored in the universe itself somehow and the more complex the universe, the more amount of information would be needed to be stored.
Universe is not a video that can be just rewind. For that to happen, every bit of information from the history of the universe would have to be stored in the universe itself somehow and the more complex the universe, the more amount of information would be needed to be stored.
Macro-level events and objects in a universe also put constraints on the micro-level realm of particles. The micro-level of particles is not more "real" or the only one that matters when considering the nature of the universe and time. The universe is based on them, but the more complex universe they create, the more the micro-level is constrained by the macro-level.
Complex universe orders itself in a manner that severely constricts what is possible in it. That includes the concept of time.
Time arises from this necessary need for order in a complex universe, where events can't have random chain of events or there would be no complexity. Time and complexity are thus intertwined.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
What stopped absolut monarchy in Britain is that the crown failed to make the large landowning aristocratic families to bend to its will like happened in France and instead the high-ranking aristocrats captured a large part of power through force of arms and the rotten parliament, stopping the development of a powerful centralized state led by an absolutist monarch.
The reason was that the crown failed to rally the emerging bourgeois class to its side against the aristocracy as happened in many other countries where absolut monarchies emerged nor was it succesful in selling to the high-ranking aristocracy the idea of increasing royal powers as a protection against the bourgeois.
Oliver Cromwell might have been able to create an absolut monarchy, had he lived much longer than he did. His position was much better and stronger than any of the Stuart rulers in the 17th century.
Even as the British Empire was build, it was internally weak, its bureaucracy a mess and it was haphazardly governed until the mid-Victorian period. Different towns could have different laws until the 1870s.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Israel was created through ethnic cleansing and has done oppression ever since, killing tens of thousands and making 4.9 million people refugees and still the Zionists themselves and their US fans think that Israel should be able to commit all its human rights abuses and international law breaking without suffering any casualties itself, and treat those who try to defend their country against colonialist as criminals.
If the colonialists in Palestine don't want to suffer any casualties, they should go go elsewhere. And they and their US fans should grow up to be even a little more stoical. If Israel insists of wielding a sword, it should also accept that swords will be wielded against it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Such horrible comments here. Many of these people in the film are Palestinian refugees, who have lived their entire lived in refugee camps in Syria and now forced to escape Syria too. About 150-200 Palestinians drowned in the three refugee boat accidents in the span of one week.
British people should look at their own actions in the Middle East; much of what is fault there is the result of British actions - and not just the recent ones by Blair and Cameron. I know that history is one of those subjects suffering in state schools in Britain, but thanks to the internet you can look up a map of the Middle East in 1920.
The parts of Cyprus you still hang on are the last remains of a Middle East you dominated and the results of that domination and carving up colonies, protectorates and vassal states are behind much of the current disturbance.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
BDS is about justice and reminding people that music doesn’t exist in a vacuum, separate from the society and world around it.
Israel is an Apartheid state that segregates people based on their identity and commits Ethnic Cleansing on a daily basis against Palestinians on the occupied territories and also its own Arab minority, planning to ethnically clean at least 40 000 Bedouins, Israeli citizens, from their Negev villages into townships described by Israeli NGOs as “garbage dumps”. Already existing townships have 70 % unemployment and lack basic services.
On the occupied territories Israel is concentrating Ethnic Cleansing at the moment on East Jerusalem and Jordan Valley, trying to force remaining Palestinian population out from this area comprising large part of West Bank and its most important agricultural areas. In the ongoing peace negotiatons Israel’s regime demands that it can control this area indefinitely. Occupation of Jordan Valley by Israel costs Palestinian economy 3.4 billion US dollars a year according to World Bank.
Telling facts to musicians about the state they plan to appear in is not harassment, its educating them about facts and reminding them that music is not separate from politics. If Israeli Jews still dislike of Wagner’s music because the Nazis liked promoted it, then they can have no complaints if advocates of human rights and freedom for Palestinians have a similar message to those who would be ready to appear in an Apartheid State.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
That awkward moment when a 'peaceful' zionist says he wants to burn your family. https://t.co/hGgYIL3pUl @HadarKnoller
— Sally Idwedar (@sallyidwedar) September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Halahleh threatens to declare hunger strike
The Palestinian prisoner Thaer Halahleh, 34, has threatened to go on hunger strike and to stop taking medicines in protest against the Israeli deliberate medical negligence.
Halahleh, jailed in Eshel prison, had contracted hepatitis after his arrest in April.
The prisoner told the Palestinian prisoner society lawyer that the Israeli doctors told him that he suffers hepatitis B. However, he received no medical treatment.
The prisoner pointed to the ill-treatment he received while visiting the prison clinic where he prefers to endure the endless pain and not to visit the clinic.
For his part, the PPS lawyer said that Halahleh's health status had sharply deteriorated compared to the last visit, stressing the need to provide him with necessary treatment.
The lawyer said that there is an increase in patient prisoners' number in Eshel prison, adding that the patient prisoner Murad Abu Meileq was transferred to hospital after his health deteriorated.
Curiosity Rover Finds No Methane On Mars. What’s Happening?
Mars Express data supposedly shows methane peaking in the Martian atmosphere at 25-40 kilometers.
If Earth's atmosphere would have impacted observations from Earth, there's the problem that these observations from Earth a)show great differences from season to season and year to year and b)seem to show concentrations of methane on same places as Mars Express.
An error resulting from Earth's atmosphere should be relatively stable over time and an error that would lead to identification of methane with same places as those on Mars Express data would, at best, raise questions about the scientific credibility of the team making the observations on Earth - seeing what they want to see a la Percival Lowell - and at worst would hint at deliberate tampering of data.
Curiosity is a magnificent scientific instrument, a discovery machine, but as several different teams using probes and Earth-based observatories report observing methane at relatively high levels on Mars, I would not be ready to declare that Curiosity's data is the correct one.
By 2017, if everything goes correctly, there should be two new probes on Martian orbit with capability to observe methane far better on Martian global scale than so far. They should be able to say the last word.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
#PHOTO: #French diplomat after Israel's #IDF attacks #European diplomats aid delivery. #France #EU #UE
French diplomat Marion Castaing thrown on the ground after Israel's #IDF attacks #European diplomats aid delivery to ethnically cleansed villagers on the occupied West Bank.
Why do you think This Happens to a Child @rihanna @JuanLuisGuerra? #IDF choking a #Palestine child #BDS #Israhell pic.twitter.com/2bDJ3wwepS
— Pats Kokomo (@PatsKokomo) September 19, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
@rihanna "Massacres are difficult to forget when you've seen the corpses" ~ Robert Fisk. http://t.co/4Cdze5qJLC
— Pats Kokomo (@PatsKokomo) September 16, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Poor in our rich land!
The story I’m going to tell is about the reality I have been living in for the past 38 years, maybe as long as the time of the Moroccan State’s presence in the city of Dakhla and I will tell stories about many persons living in the city of Dakhla and my own story too.
I was born in 1977 in the city of Dakhla to a Saharawi family who has lived in this city for centuries, according to the information I have, and I began studying in 1984. Throughout my schooling, I have met people of my age and some of them will be part of this true story, in order to reflect the image of this forgotten city.
Yassin: a Moroccan man who arrived with his family to the city of Dakhla coming from Agadir, a northern Moroccan city, whose father was in the military and worked in the border. He began studying with me and continued his studies; we lived in the same neighbourhood and went to school in the same department. I think I was smarter than him, he lacked intelligence and willingness to learn and nevertheless he is today employed at one of the State institutions. He is married and has three children; he has a house, a car and a library, and he told me that he has built two houses in Agadir and is thinking of establishing a real estate company.
Rashid: this man arrived with his family to the city of Dakhla-Villa Cisneros coming from Marrakech in 1975, in the so-called “Green March”. He arrived at El Aaiún and then moved to Dakhla because his father is a fisherman and wanted to work in the city of Dakhla. He lived in a very small house, and alike his father he became a fisherman too, fishing for a living and providing for their daily needs. But today Rashid has 8 boats (small traditional boats), he bought some type of a new model car, he is married and has four children and he rents houses to indigenous people.
Nadia: this girl arrived with her mother in the early eighties. She married a policeman but after a few years the policeman moved to another city. She stayed with her mother and in the early nineties the girl and her mother engaged in prostitution. Today they possess houses for rent in the city of Dakhla, a taxi and a big villa-type house.
Butcher: a young man arrived in the city of Dakhla, I can´t determine the exact period of time he lived in his first house and then he moved to become a butcher, selling meat. Later on, he became vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and a great businessman in the city.
Said: is a young man who moved with his family to the city of Dakhla, where his father was a teacher. He completed his studies and he is today an employee in agriculture.
He is married to another young Moroccan girl who has a project in fisheries. She arrived years ago to the city and possesses property.
I (the story teller): after 38 years I had a monthly salary that did not exceed $150, I am unemployed now and I have no house, I studied and I was very intelligent; I desire to become a doctor as my uncle, who died in the Sahara´s war between Polisario Front and Morocco.
I want to ask the following questions:
- Why does the Moroccan State destroy us?
-Why does it facilitate opportunities for Moroccans and none for us?
-Why are the Saharawi people for decades in the barren land seeing Moroccans divide their land and wealth?
- Why does it make us consumers instead of producers?
- Why does it control every breath of each of us and intimidate us every day?
-Why does it not allow us to work and produce?
-Why does it contribute to make us so poor that we cannot even get married and to become a minority in our homeland?
-Why does it want to make us weak and coward and divided in every detail?
-Why does it try to prevent us from learning?
-Why does it torture and imprison us?
-Why are we divided and deprived of our homes? On the other hand it is there to help Moroccan families to settle in our homeland?
-Why are Moroccan families encouraged to reproduce, each family being offered Moroccan food and material assistance when family members reach 8 members?
-Why is the Moroccan State bringing here thousands of settlers every day, month and year?
-Why does it not allow us to reproduce?
-Why do we have no authority whatsoever in our country?
-Why? Why is that? Why? … The only possible answer is: because we are the enemy!
-Do we ask Morocco to give us from its resources?
-Do Western Sahara and the Sahrawi people deserve all this? Of course not! …
Production and distribution :
Saharawi Center For Media and Communication
the occupied territories
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
I believe in the right of return for all refugees.
I think that all Palestinian refugees should be allowed to return to their ancestral homes and that all Middle Eastern Jews living in Israel and with roots elsewhere in the area should be offered the nationality of the countries where they or their forebears previosly lived.
(I believe the same about Turkey and the Armenian diaspora resulting from the ethnic cleansing and genocide in the Ottoman Empire.)
There can be no partial justice and one injustice can't be used to excuse another; both need to be condemned and the victims given the justice they deserve.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Apartheid Israel has forced 1 700 000 people to live in an area of 365 square kilometers. It's an open air prison camp, blockaded and sieged by colonialist Israel which drove the Gaza inhabitants' parents and/or grandparents from their homes in 1948 and doesn't allow them to return, even when it takes up to 100 000 Jewish immigrants each year.
Baath regime is dominated by Alawis, who are a small minority inside the Shiias.
The Sunni&Shia conflict is almost something of a myth; one of those Huntingdonian conflicts that don't tend to survive close scrutiny well. It does exist, but in every day life it has almost always been just a theological divide.
When Sunni and Shia states have fought, it has usually been about geopolitics (like when Sunni Ottoman Empire fought for over a century in major wars against the Shia Safavid Empire over Mesopotamia) and the same tends to be true now.
Gulf despotates and Saudi Arabia's al-Saud family business can veil their goals in religion - and same goes for their opponents - but behind the Sunni assault that has taken over Arab Spring in Syria are really geopolitics, not religion.
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf despots are trying to weaken Iran's increased power in the Middle East and destroy it's allies.
If they succeed in Syria, they will target Hezbollah in Lebanon and then try to re-install Sunni minority in power in Iraq.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Death is coming to many people in Syria who would have deserved to life and the "West" will pretend that they will be fighting just a demonized cartoon villain Assad, just like in Libya they were just fighting Muammar Ghaddafi and in Iraq Saddam Hussein.
All the ordinary people who will die will be forgotten by the "West". Certainly a hundred people or more die each day in Syria's brutal civil war, but there should have been an another way to end the civil war than "Western" attack.
I had high hopes when Obama was elected, but now I don't believe that they are capable of pushing Netanyahu far enough to get a peace agreement that could realistically work.
That said, any agreement on a peace treaty would probably mean the fall of Israel's divided government and according to polls, even a peace treaty hugely favourable for Israel would have low chance to be accepted in a referendum that Netanyahu has said will decide its fate.
Abbas has promised a referendum too, so he can't utterly surrender and give Netanyahu everything that he wants. Abbas needs at least part of East Jerusalem and most of West Bank with land swaps and something for the refugees to get a peace agreement accepted in a referendum, and chances of that kind of peace treaty being accepted in a referendum in Israel is extremely low according to polls there.
Counting the numbers of killed by each side is a very good way of deciding who is to more to blame.
I can guarantee you that in almost any conflict the side that gives significantly more people than the other is to blame for the continuation of the conflict.
The more powerful has the keys with which to unlock the peace in their hands, yet they refuse to use them and instead kill more people to continue the conflict.
Israel is an Apartheid State, created through ethnic cleansing and still committing ethnic cleansing.
It has partly exiled and partly enslaved an entire nation while itself misusing the sympathy the "West" feels towards Jews as a result of the genocide committed by the Nazis.
Israel's regime hides behind the memory of the Holocaust victims while itself it oppresses and kills innocent people.
"They came to kill" said a witness about the murderous Qalandiya "raid" that killed 3 Palestinians. Deliberate provocation by Israel to create violent response and to end peace negotiations through PA withdrawal, after which Israel and US governments would yet again blame Palestinians for the failure of the negotiations.
The announcements of new illegal settlement units - soon to hit 5000 after Kerry announced the continuation of negotiations - and destruction of Palestinian homes fit to the same strategy of intimidation and sabotage of negotiations that Israel has done many times before. Israel wants violent Palestinian reaction and PA to get the blame for the end of negotiations.
USA government will not challenge this; question is, did it really believe that Israel would not play its usual violent "tricks" against peace or was this a trap from the beginning?
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