Saturday, March 30, 2013

#IssawiResists252 trended this evening worldwide on Twitter, reaching place 6. It's on place seven in the picture below:

Samer Issawi has been 252 days on hunger strike today. World is almost totally silent of his struggle, because he has been imprisoned by Apartheid Israel.
Oppose Apartheid, oppose ethnic cleansing, oppose torture. Oppose Israel which practices each of these on a daily basis and gets away with it.
How pyramid building reached the "middle class" in ancient Nubia: Newly found Sudan pyramids show 'democratization'.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Rightwing socialism is among the oldest strands of socialism, going back to the early 19th century.

Instead of seeking equality as a cure for social ills rightwing socialism usually tries to preserve social classes and tends to seek communal harmony through other methods - often this falls into fascism as the harmony is sought through things like ultra-nationalism and scapegoating minorities (to avoid the class struggle).

Rightwing socialism also tends to be utopian and often has a very idealistic view of the past that it tries to use as a guide for the future. Rightwing socialism imagines a supposed rural, agricultural idyl and old virtues connected to it that industrialization would have destroyed, leading partly to current social problems and disharmony.

In it's heart rightwing socialism is thus conservative, but a rightwing socialist is differentiated from a true conservative in that a rightwing socialist does want to change the society - he doesn't think that in it's current form it's as good as it can be - and improve the condition of those people that are not intended to be his scapegoats.
Every leftwinger who calls herself or himself an anarchist tends to be a European. I use libertarian for a rightwinger and anarchist for a leftwinger to make the "divide" clearer.  

One meaning for the latin word from which liberty originates seems to be "without restraint" and anarchy is traced back to "without rulers". I think this too brings out the difference in these two as ideologies: egoism versus equality.
I would say that the difference between libertarian and anarchist utopias is that the latter are more inclusive and libertarian ones more exclusive.

Anarchist utopias, although they can end up being restrictive too, at least tend to be based on the idea that eventually they will include the whole society, all the people. Everybody will be an anarchist living in an anarchistic society.

The libertarians tend to have visions of a supposedly libertarian society where in fact only a minority are libertarians and everybody else has to live based on their rules without being admitted to the ranks of the libertarians.

Just like in a bourgeois capitalistic society, the success of the social model demands that most people can't achieve the society's ideal. So, between leftwing and rightwing utopian visions we have the basic left/right divide.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I have read a lot of libertarian science fiction through the years and in them the individual often seems to have very little actual freedom. It's instead the group that the individual belongs to - struggling against it at some point, at but eventually being reconciled and becoming one of it's leaders - that (theoretically) has the freedom.

The individual is tightly tied to specific roles as a member of the group - who often are family or clan based. The group itself is also tied to it's founding idea and role, not wanting to change it, so it's own freedom is also very much illusory one.

In it's core, it's very much Plato's utopia once more, not about liberty, but creating a supposedly perfect society and then "protecting" it from change. No liberty for libertarians in their own visions.
It seems to me that PA has become a kind of hostage that the "West" and Israel use to blackmail PLO.

PLO should forget those threats, because at this point itseems that the continuation of PA as it is now is more in the interests of the "West" and Israel than Palestinians.

It's very unlikely that the hostage takers would harm their victim, because they are themselves betting everything on status quo at the moment.
There are three kinds of people who support Israel: Extremely naive, terribly ignorant and lastly, evil.

Israel commits ethnic cleansing every day in occupied East Jerusalem and West Bank.

I understand that in US some people believe that Palestinians should just give all their land away and that all forms of resistance should be forbidden to Palestinians and that all forms of oppression should be allowed for Israel. That Palestinians have no rights and that Israel is above all laws and human morality.

Samer Issawi is a member of secular, leftwing DFLP. A fully legitimate organization even according to US government. His is a non-violent resistance using only hunger as his weapon.

People like Mahmoud al-Titi - activist who organized protests in the support of hunger-strikers and was murdered by Israel, shot by illegal bullets whose use is a war crime - have died to support his cause.

Personally, I can't understand people who are ready to support Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing and torture done by Israel and the condemn peaceful, non-violent resistance. Arafat Jaradat was tortured to death this year by Israel because he wasn't to ready become an informant for them.

US is giving 3 billion dollars a year to support war crimes and human rights violations done by Israel. I suggest that those who support Israel without thinking issues through, without looking the situation from the point of the oppressed, for once do this. If you still have your conscience, let it be heard and do this. Support Samer Issawi and the other political prisoners on hunger strike and help to save their lives.
Imad Abu Shtayya:

People want to just explain this all away so that they don't have to face it. In recent days I have, to my great surprise and disappointment, found among people close to me examples of a kind of inverted "Holocaust denialism", where people stubbornly refuse to accept what Israel does to Palestinians and claim that even normal images in media would be faked, that claims of Israeli brutality are exaggerated, that victims must be guilty of something too and that truth is at least gray if not in the colours of the Israeli flag.

Somehow people who consider Holocaust denialism terrible - and justly so - quickly fall to exactly the same mindset and similar conspiracy theories when facing something that they don't want to accept. So that the fact of torture of children will be explained away because people put their cherished beliefs (or attitudes that "justify" inaction) before the actual lives of human beings .

The same kind of mental defenses are probably the oil that lubricates the wheels of oppression and violence everywhere. Instead of having to the face the oppressor (and the reality of their actions) people sub-consciously seek reasons not to do so and end up attacking the victim.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Many Americans say when asked that they "love" Israel because it's the safe choice. Just like saying that they believe in God, just like saying that they think that United States is the best country in the world in all possible things. People know that they are expected to say these things, so they say them.

Etremely few Americans in reality support Israel because of supposed love for Zionist "democracy". If they would, then they would be madly in love with democracies in other regions too and we would get polls about it and poll results like "Americans love Costa Rica because of it's democracy" etc.

We don't get that, because United States and Americans don't really care about democracy in other countries all that much, otherwise Palestinian elections would create a wave of mushy feelings towards Palestinians in USA.

Ask the true believers and what you get is a mix of fundamentalistic religious feeling and appreciation for overwhelming use of violence and getting away with it. Frankly, many Americans love Israel because it's a nasty piece of work that is seen to be above all laws and as a result gets away with awful things, just like these Americans want USA to get away with it. It's a love between monsters.

Then there are the Christian Zionists, who support Israel "because of the bible". Theirs is an irrational cult devotion to Israel that has very little to do with what happens in reality and very much to do with their religious visions.

Lastly, many Americans see Israel's conquest, ethnic cleansing and bantustan creation in Palestine as re-enactment in miniature form of US history: Zionists as victorious pioneers pre-determined to win, settlers as cowboys and the illegal settlement fortresses as kind of homestads on the prairie and Palestinians left with the role of Indians doomed to be closed into reservations so that all their land can be given to those who have been given a Manifest Destiny. This view is backed by actual research - Americans do view West Bank through Hollywood Westerns.

And lastly, direct and indirect propaganda in US media (there's a lot of not too well-hidden pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian propaganda in US mainstream TV fiction) plays a huge role. Without this propaganda saying "I love Israel" would not have to be the safe choice for Americans when polled about these things, as it is now. Unconditional support for Israel has been deliberately made to be one of the pillars of modern America, what it means to be an American.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The parents of Israeli children could vote for peace, but a huge majority votes for Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing and continued oppression in each elections. They really must hate their own children almost as much as they hate children of Palestinians, as they are deliberately creating a violent future for both.
I don't care about the state of the "relationship" between Barack and Benyamin. They can take a hotel room and develop their "relationship" there for all I care.

What I do care about is ending the occupation, ethnic cleansing and apartheid, the Jim Crow laws and settler only - roads, the segregated busses and the daily attacks against Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Force(IOF).

I also care about saving the lives of the 8 Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike, heroes the "Western" media tries to avoid mentioning. Foremost of them is now Samer Issawi - member of the leftwing, utterly legitimate DFLP movement which even USA doesn't accuse of "terrorism" - who has been on hunger strike for 242 days against his unjust imprisonment by Israel. I want him and all the other hunger strikers, the ill political prisoners lacking proper medical care, all of them saved.

I don't care whether Benyamin and Barack kiss and smile or throw the cutlery at each other. Neither should anyone else. Lives are important, not the soap opera orchestrated by AIPAC&co.
Zionist BBC thinks this is the biggest news from Obama's speeches today:

President Barack Obama has urged Palestinians to drop their demands for a freeze in Israeli settlement building as a precondition for peace talks.

BBC's handlers in Israel's London embassy must be enthralled.

The "Western" - especially US and Israeli - media have been for basically years full of stories how Obama should have "romanced" the Israeli public before making any criticism of settlement building and today we have these same stories again, how Obama should praise Israel to high heaven just for getting on his side the people who just voted Naftali Bennett into government and gave Benyamin Netanyahu an extension in power.

Have you noticed how there are no stories whatsoever, even from the most "liberal" of Western media, how Obama should take the same path with the Palestinian public?

Notice how it is taken granted by even those who mildly criticize Israel's activities in the media that the Palestinian public should have no say whatsoever in their own future and the future of the land? That their role is not to influence, but to stand in the sidelines...
US and Israeli media have been full of stories for years how Obama should "capture" the mind of the Israeli public, "romance" them to get them on his side and that it should have been done before any criticism towards Israel's activities in the occupied territories.

Now we have the courtship and we know that there won't be any criticism afterwards, but notice how nobody in the whole of "Western" media seems to think that Obama should do the same with the Palestinian public?

Instead, even the "liberal" commentators have just imagined it with a two-part relationship with Obama and Israeli public, with Palestinians left in the sidelines waiting to be dictated what the two lovebirds come up with.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Voyager 1 has left the solar system - or not (depending on how much importance you put on magnetic fields).
Obama has used the US veto in UN Security Council to stop Israel's illegal settlement building being condemned and sanctioned. Obama has used UN veto to stop Palestine being accepted as a fulll UN member. Obama has declared that US opposes the peaceful BDS movement and that USA will act against all who try to organize boycott of Israel's illegal settlement products and so on.

Without Obama's support, the occupation, ethnic cleansing and apartheid could not go on. To bring the occupation to an end, he would only have to stop using US veto in UN Security Council to "protect" Israel.
It's quite simple: Either you oppose Apartheid & Ethnic cleansing and support the Palestinians, or you support Israel and you support Apartheid & Ethnic Cleansing with it.

You can't be a good person supporting good causes and continue to support Israel, as Israel stands for Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing and torture and you can't divide support for Israel from support to these activities of it.
#PalestineRejectsObama was in Twitter's worldwide trends for about 25 minutes this evening, reaching place 5:

Yesterday #PalestineStrikesBack reached 5th place in worldwide Twitter trends:

Monday, March 18, 2013

This evening #IssawiMustLive achieved rank 3 in Twitter's worldwide trends' list, trending for 20 over minutes:

Yesterday #FreeALLPalestinians achieved rank 6 in the worldwide Twitter trends', trending about 10 minutes:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Palestinians can't achieve their goals peacefully without strong foreign backing. They are not getting that at the moment.

EU is very slowly waking up and doing a few haphazard moves, but far more is needed. Occupations won't end if the occupier isn't - one way or another - forced to give up them by making them too expensive. When that doesn't happen, then they go on and on.

The problem in Palestine has been that the "West" has never backed it's calls for peaceful resistance by support, but has instead tried to block or nullify both political moves and grass-roots non-violent resistance - or has just suffocated them with silence.

The "West" is far too happy with the supposed Status Quo, which is anything but it thanks to the large-scale settlement building. But how to get that message through to "Western" leaders who don't want to hear it and most certainly mostly don't want to do anything to antagonize Israel's regime, even as extreme as the current one?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Another picture from the London protest today:

Protest from London today in behalf of Palestinian Arafat Jaradat(1983-2013), who was tortured to death in an Israeli prison run by the British G4S "security" company:

Possible 22 000 year old human made tools from a rock shelter in Brazil - or the most ingenious capuchin monkey's in the entire world.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

#Justice4PalHunger reached 5th place in worldwide Twitter trends this evening:

After a total of 259 days on hunger strike against his unjust imprisonment without charges by Apartheid Israel, Palestinian political prisoner Ayman Sharawna's(1976-) health is now "very critical".

A Jesuit pope from Latin America is certainly an interesting development. John Paul II would not approve, even when Bergoglio is like he was, a supporter of rightwing violence - even against clergy. But even a Jesuit collaborator from Argentina is still a Jesuit from the "wrong" continent and might harbour some surprises.

Bergoglio, supporter of the Argentine military junta that killed some 30 000 people by dropping them from airplanes above Atlantic ocean for example, probably chose his name Francis I based not on St. Francis of Assisi(1181/1182-1226), but the Basque aristocrat St. Francis Xavier(1506-1552) who led the Jesuit missionary work in the East Asia. Which could be taken as a sign of concentrating on Catholic communities outside Europe, unlike Benedict XVI, who concentrated on vainly fighting against the beneficial spreading of secularism in Europe.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Resignation of Benedict XVI(2005-13), a Marxist view.

Mohammed Asfour - also translated as Muhammed Asfur - was another brave youth who supported the Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike and was wounded by Israel's brutal occupying forces and died in hospital last week of the wounds he suffered. He would have turned 23 two days after his death.

A drawing the now murdered Mahmoud al-Titi made in February of the Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike:

Activist Mahmoud al-Titi, murdered yesterday by Israel's occupying troops in Hebron:

He was shot by fragmenting bullets. I am pretty sure that use of those are a war crime, but in a world where Israel is worshipped with feverish madness by the "Western" politicians and media - the mirror image of the equally insane religiously based oppression Jews once faced in the "Occident" - Israel can get away with using them, as it has gotten away of using fragmenting missile against civilians in Gaza and artillery shells containing nails in Lebanon.
Israel that commits Ethnic Cleansing has no "right of self-defense", Israel that practices Apartheid has no "right to exist".

Sunday, March 03, 2013

We are fighting for all Palestinians

In jail, my fellow hunger strikers and I are doing battle against the Israeli occupation that humiliates our people


My story is no different from that of many other Palestinian young people who were born and have lived their whole lives under Israeli occupation. At 17, I was arrested for the first time, and jailed for two years. I was arrested again in my early 20s, at the height of the second intifada in Ramallah, during an Israeli invasion of numerous cities in the West Bank – what Israel called Operation Defensive Shield. I was sentenced to 30 years in prison on charges relating to my resistance to the occupation.

I am not the first member of my family to be jailed on my people's long march towards freedom. My grandfather, a founding member of the PLO, was sentenced to death by the British Mandate authorities, whose laws are used by Israel to this day to oppress my people; he escaped hours before he was due to be executed. My brother, Fadi, was killed in 1994, aged just 16, by Israeli forces during a demonstration in the West Bank following the Ibrahimi mosque massacre in Hebron. Medhat, another brother, has served 19 years in prison.

My other brothers, Firas, Ra'afat and Shadi were each imprisoned for five to 11 years. My sister, Shireen, has been arrested numerous times and has served a year in prison. My brother's home has been destroyed. My mother's water and electricity have been cut off. My family, along with the people of my beloved city Jerusalem, are continuously harassed and attacked, but they continue to defend Palestinian rights and prisoners.

After almost 10 years in prison, I was released in the Egypt-sponsored deal between Israel and Hamas to release the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. However, on 7 July 2012, I was arrested again near Hizma, an area within the municipality of Jerusalem, on charges of violating the terms of my release (that I should not leave Jerusalem). Others who were released as part of that deal were also arrested, some with no declared reason. Accordingly, I began a hunger strike on 1 August to protest against my illegal imprisonment and Israel's violation of the agreement.

My health has deteriorated greatly, but I will continue my hunger strike until victory or martyrdom. This is my last remaining stone to throw at the tyrants and jailers in the face of the racist occupation that humiliates our people.

I draw my strength from all the free people in the world who want an end to the Israeli occupation. My weak heartbeat endures thanks to this solidarity and support; my weak voice gains its strength from voices that are louder, and can penetrate the prison walls.

My battle is not just for my own freedom. My fellow hunger strikers, Ayman, Tarik and Ja'afar, and I are fighting a battle for all Palestinians against the Israeli occupation and its prisons. What I endure is little compared to the sacrifice of Palestinians in Gaza, where thousands have died or been injured as a result of brutal Israeli attacks and an unprecedented and inhuman siege.

However, more support is needed. Israel could not continue its oppression without the support of western governments. These governments, particularly the British, which has a historic responsibility for the tragedy of my people, should impose sanctions on the Israeli regime until it ends the occupation, recognises Palestinian rights, and frees all Palestinian political prisoners.

Do not worry if my heart stops. I am still alive now and even after death, because Jerusalem runs through my veins. If I die, it is a victory; if we are liberated, it is a victory, because either way I have refused to surrender to the Israeli occupation, its tyranny and arrogance.