Tuesday, May 28, 2013

BBC News - Centuries-old frozen plants revived

BBC News - Centuries-old frozen plants revived

Plants that were frozen during the "Little Ice Age" centuries ago have been observed sprouting new growth, scientists say. Samples of 400-year-old plants known as bryophytes have flourished under laboratory conditions. Researchers say this back-from-the-dead trick has implications for how ecosystems recover from the planet's cyclic long periods of ice coverage.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The brutal murder of a British soldier in London doesn't seem to be that much of a "terror attack"; instead, based on the attackers behaviour, it seems to be a callous "15 minutes of fame" attack, whose perpetrators pay for their 15 minutes of fame with at least 25-30 years in prison - and the British public may pay for it with loss of more civil liberties.

One could say that the attack was the result of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Mali, but none of these wars was directly mentioned, just a vague "Arabic country" where Cameron has sent troops. This could be an attack inspired by the bombing in Boston, USA, but the feeling I get is that the political motive in this case is there just to give a fig leaf of a justification in the attackers own eyes' and - quite possibly - to give the attack a higher profile.

Similar brutal attacks in recent years without a political motive - with samurai swords in churchyard, for example - tend to disappear quickly, presented as weird or freak news with the attacker rarely getting widespread publicity. But add a political motive and you get your 15 minutes of a fame with picture and name spread around the globe.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Stephen Hawking has done the right thing, others should follow him and it should have been done decades ago en masse to end the occupation.

Israel has become an Apartheid state which on a daily basis takes more Palestinian land and destroys Palestinian property in an effort to force people leave.

And it's just not the occupied territories, Israel is planning to forcibly remove 30 000 - 40 000 Bedouin, Israeli citizens, from Negev.

Israel is a nasty, oppressive regime hiding behind it's self-declared Jewish identity and people must stop excusing it's crimes just because its "a Jewish state".

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Israel is an Apartheid state committing Ethnic Cleansing; just today it announced the building of 296 new illegal settler units on the occupied West Bank. Israel tortures people, even to death like happened to Arafat Jaradat earlier this year.

Since 1967 Israel has imprisoned 750 000 Palestinians and now stops Palestinian access to 51 % of occupied West Bank according to the World Bank.

Israel's current government includes figures like American Naftali Bennett, who claims that Israel will not accept any kind of Palestinian state, not even an archipelago of bantustans that Benyamin Netanyahu plans.

Bennett claims that even 200 years into ther future Israel will be occupying those part of West Bank that it won't annex, condemning Palestinians into eternal slavery.

Stephen Hawking is right in boycotting Israel and all people of conscience should boycott Israel.

Friday, May 03, 2013

European Union is finally going to label illegal settlement products, but it's leaders are also largely Israel's sycophants, like the current British Blairite foreign policy representative Ashton, who has not condemned a single action by Israel during her entire tenure (she "laments" and "deplores" which is the most severe use of words she can use against Israel's regime).

Leaders of individual EU states are eager to declare their pro-Israel credentials, with France's Hollande opposing BDS campaign and Britain's Cameron declaring that criticism against Israel is "an attempt at delegitimization", with Germany's Merkel declaring that Germany will stand with Israel.

The fact is that Israel is above international laws and human morality according to EU leaders also, and that to them also Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing is a Zionist right and opposing Israel's war crimes and human rights violations is always antisemitism.
The "West" has made Israel into an object of worship and everything is permissible to the Israeli regime, which uses Judaism as it's shield. Criticize Israel and the shield will be raised with shouts of "Antisemitism!" and "Holocaust!" and obedient Western politicians run into declare their and their countries undying and unconditional support to Israel no matter what it does.

Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, torturing people like Arafat Jaradat to death and enslaving an entire nation (American born Israeli minister Naftali Bennett publicly declaring that Israel will occupy "at least 200 years" those parts of West Bank that it's not planning to annex)
are seen by the West to be Israel's right, which might occasionally "lamented", but never opposed.

And naturally the victims of Israeli Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing are claimed to be guilty of their own suffering, like Barack Obama has said. According to him everything that Israel has done to Palestinians is their own fault. Imagine the outrage if someone would say the same about past Jewish suffering.