Monday, July 01, 2013

All Israel's settlements on the areas it occupied in 1967 are illegal, building of them are war crimes as are population transfers and ethnic cleansing Israel is committing now on a daily basis.

I understand that some people have a hard time understanding that Israel is bound by same laws as "lesser" states, but that's how it is. Building more illegal settlement fortresses on E1 would separate East Jerusalem from West Bank, would cut a huge chunk out of West Bank, but that's really beside the point because all the settlements are illegal and Israel has no right to keep anything at all of the areas it occupies.

The world and Palestinians have for decades offered Israel 78 percent of British Palestine in exchange of Palestinians getting 22 percent. That Israel demands more is outrageous and really the world, EU in lead, should encourage Israel to embrace peace by bringing back UN plan 1948 borders as a reminder that pre-1967 borders are not the least that Israel can get, but the most.