Saturday, March 20, 2004

The western countries and their allies are waging a `war´against
terrorism. Pity then that one of their major `weapons´in this fight
is state terrorism, which kills a far more people in a year than all
the terrorist groups of the world, but seems nowadays to be quite

When fighting a minor danger - which terrorism is, whatever claims
are made (last year terrorism claimed something like 2000 lives,
which is pretty low number when compared to the fact that about
20 000 - 30 000 people die EACH DAY because of lack of clean
drinking water) - it seems that a growth of a greater danger is
justified. Typical human attitude. We grow fixated on dangers like
terrorism, which we know will not defeat us, but ignore greater
threats that can. That´s one of the reason why the inhabited
continents of the world are littered with the remains of fallen
civilizations. Our problem is that we have now only one, global
civilization. All eggs in the same basket, which is warming rapidly.

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