Monday, August 23, 2004

US deal 'wrecks Middle East peace'. More.

Once again the US commits an act of utmost stupidity in the Middle East.
Probably this is all about of trying to get the Likud rebels to support
Ariel Sharon - the reasons that are given by that nameless EU diplomat
are, bluntly speaking, nonsense, considering that Israel is behind of
almost all violence today and that Israeli army has itself killed several
US citizens - and not seeing the wider picture how this will affect the
Middle East and US relations to Muslim countries and the whole world.

In my mind it is the utmost folly to do this kind of thing. It´s utterly
and totally wrong morally and legally, but it is also stupidity when one
considers the situation in Iraq, the very weak puppet government there,
and the position this drives the pro-US governments in Muslim countries.
One can claim that the US is doing a better job in toppling them than any
islamist milititant movement...

The US government is doing Osama bin Laden´s publicity for him. The best
PR campaign he could ever buy.

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