Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The colonial precedent

As Blair and Bush claim to support democracy in Iraq, it is as well to remember that London and Washington have almost always opposed popular, democratic forces in the Middle East, preferring strong regimes capable of bringing "order".

And then they whine when people don´t believe that this time they are fighting for democracry, honestly. Maybe they are, in their inept and wrongheaded way. But it would be best for democracy if they would leave this task to others that are more capable and would just stop supporting oppressive regimes, Israel included, in the Middle East and elsewhere. You don´t have to go to war to promote democracy. At least thus they would be doing something good. At the same time that US claims it´s fighting for democracy in Iraq, it´s supporting most of the undemocratic/oppressive regimes in the area, like Egypt, Israel, Saudi-Arabia and Yemen, and the more mild, but still not democratic regimes like Jordania. They should remember that Soviet Union wasn´t conquered, but fell apart from inside.

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