Tuesday, March 08, 2005

King Tut 'died from broken leg'

I have been little baffled by the fact that no attempt to extract DNA from Tutankhamen´s mummy - or more precisely, the remains of his mummy, as Howard Carter and his assistants in their eagerness literally hacked it to pieces - hasn´t been approved. Of course there probably are practical reasons, but then Tutankhamen´s likely mother Kija may have been a princess from the Hurrian state of Mitanni in what is now Syria and parts of Iraq, and if that´s true, then one can wonder what kind of claims the popular press could have made based on Tutankhamen´s DNA. After all, the hapless Wall Street Journal claimed some years ago, that a scheduled DNA test was not made because - according to astoundingly ignorant newspaper journalist - "the test could have proven that the Hebrews built the Pyramids". One may try, but one can never underestimate the ignoracy of the Americans.

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