Saturday, May 28, 2005

It’s Israel’s Racist Apartheid Wall, Stupid


I wonder if Abbas had Joshua’s trumpet tucked inside the maps he carried to Washington, the maps of Israel’s ever expanding “facts on the ground.” The maps demonstrate Israel’s continued expansion of Jewish military outposts and settlements in the West Bank. They illustrate the path of the Israeli Racist Apartheid Wall which divides Palestinians from their land and from one another and signals the proposed disappearance of an Arab controlled East Jerusalem. It is only through a careful examination of the maps that issues of the viability of a Palestinian state come into focus. The maps Abbas warily carries on behalf of the Palestinian people at home, in refugee camps and scattered in a Diaspora throughout the world do not contain the Roadmap to Peace but to Palestinian extinction. The maps clearly show that even if direct aid by the millions of dollars is given to the Palestinian Authority, unless something is done to stop Israeli expansion and force Israel’s retreat, it is a matter of time before the Zionist attempt at genocide – the complete erasure of Palestine – is complete. As wishful thinking Zionist often state, “There is no Palestine.” Make no mistake, it is a battle cry for total eradication.

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