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Palestinian leadership opposes "Israel is a Jewish state" demand because they fear it will be used to "justify" the ethnic cleansing of remaining Arabs from Israel. Something which Israel's foreign minister Lieberman brings up every second week, with US government refusing to condemn him.
Kerry's plan doesn't just call for Israeli "security strip" along the border with Jordan, it calls for Israel occupying whole Jordan Valley for 10 more years and afterwards controlling still all borders and air space of Palestine.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been without running water in East Jerusalem for over a month now, part of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the town, emboldened by Kerry proposing that Israel would get almost whole of East Jerusalem in his plan. The response from Israel's government and the Zionist administration of Jerusalem has been that they want the whole East Jerusalem - without the people.
The simple problem behind Kerry's plan is that it can be described with this sentence: "Palestinians give and Israel gets."
The more concessions Palestinians have made through the decades, the more is demanded from them by Israel and the USA.
During these peace talks Israel has used Kerry's plan just a starting point for their own demands, like the case of East Jerusalem, with Kerry wanting to give Israel everything but few outlaying neighbourhoods and Israel being emboldened by this and now demanding that Jerusalem can't even be mentioned in a peace agreement.
There's no pressure being put on Israel's government, instead an endless number of Western politicians making their way in a pilgrimage to Israel and Netanyahu, declaring their loyalty - "indestructible" in the words of David Cameron - to Israel and opposition to all boycotts and sanctions, with Ed Miliband the most recent.
In this political environment Israel's regime thinks that it can get everything without having to give up any piece of the occupied land. Status quo suits it fine.
That famous forgery by the Czar's secret police, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has been taken as the truth by the Western politicians, whose fanatical philosemitism is actually a result of antisemitic belief that Jews (and Israel especially) do control the world and that to win elections in Western countries one has to avoid criticism of Israel and instead declare eternal support for it no matter what it does.
And because politicians think that Israel and the Jews do decide elections - this isn't true even in the United States, where Jewish populations are big enough basically in just two states to have any real effect on elections - this gives Israel real power over the Western countries.
The antisemitic belief about the power of the Jews that drives the Western politicians results in them avoiding all practical means of ending the occupation, with politician after another now declaring opposition to the BDS boycott movement, which has succeeded in putting finally some pressure on Israel and the foreign companies that take part and profit from the occupation.
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