Friday, October 24, 2014

Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian teenager late Friday during clashes in Silwad village near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, medical officials said.

Orwa Abd al-Wahhab Hammad, 14, was shot multiple times with live bullets. He was taken to Palestine Medical Complex where he was pronounced dead.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said that soldiers fired at a Palestinian adult who was hurling a Molotov cocktail at forces in the area.

Zionists murdered a 16 y/o child in his own occupied land, Hamid Abdul Wahab, who lived his entire life under occupation and this is how they report it. The word 'Nazi' to describe the despicable IDF / IOF is not far from my mind at the moment. Israel is not only a state that does not respect the lives of Palestinians, the very idea of their lives having value is utterly alien to it and to the majority of adult Israeli Jews.

No, you don't have that right Rivlin, because you oppress an entire nation and force it's people to walk in fear.

As long as you continue to do so, you should be yourself forced to walk and drive in fear in everywhere you go, Zionists.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Israel is building illegal settlement housing units by the thousands, demolishing and taking over homes on a weekly basis, sending illegal settlers to march on al-Aqsa compound on every second day, cut off water to Shuafat refugee camp for months, has arrested almost 900 Palestinians since the murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir by illegal settlers - all in an effort to drive Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and when Palestinians respond to this, the arrogant Israeli settler mindset is to complain about 'Palestinian violence'. Israel reaps what it sows and by all accounts, the violence is what Israel's regime and it's illegal settlers want, it's part of the plan of intimidation they have.

On Oct 19 Israeli settler from the illegal colony of Yitzhar drove over two Palestinian girls coming from kindergarten. Inas Shawkat, 5, died, her friend is still fighting for her life in hospital. The driver escaped from the scene and to this day has not been arrested, but is back in the illegal colony, whose settlers yesterday were told to have burned between 100-200 olive trees.

Hit&run attacks on Palestinian pedestrians by illegal Israeli settlers have become weekly, the death toll a dozen since last December, when a 13 y/o girl was killed in hit&run attack by an illegal settler in East Jerusalem. All the settlers behind the attacks are alive, free and well, Palestinians are always killed and even what look like normal traffic accidents declared immediately to be 'terror attacks' to justify the killing.

If the driver survives the immediate aftermath, death will still soon come in the hands of Israel, like for Raed al-Jabari, who was beaten to death in September by Israeli prison guards and whose autopsy has been declared secret by Israel, which claims he hanged himself so that the prison guards can get away and kill again, like the illegal Israeli settlers speeding down roads in occupied East Jerusalem and West Bank, looking for more victims.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Justifying the lynching, nothing to say about the murder.

During the last year, about ten Palestinians have been killed in hit-and-run cases by Israeli settlers in occupied areas - and two more in Israel itself.

As far as I know, none of the Israelis who caused these deaths have been arrested or jailed.

Palestinians involved in traffic accidents with Israeli settlers or occupation forces tend to always die. If not killed immediately, then in prison.

And it's taken granted by mainstream Israeli media - not to speak of state representatives - that all these cases were "attacks" and all cases of Palestinians being killed by Israeli drives were "accidents".

There's only one word for this: Racism.

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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Maryam Alkhawaja talks

If you see this, please follow the link to sign

At just ten years old, Brishna is the survivor of a brutal rape.

Although a local mullah has been charged and awaits trial, powerful groups in the community want to kill Brishna for "bringing shame" on her family.

We need to act fast: death threats are pouring in – even from relatives and religious leaders.

Demand Afghan authorities protect Brishna against the threat of an "honour" killing.

After she was released from hospital, Brishna was taken to a shelter run by Women for Afghan Women for protection.

Despite male relatives threatening to "kill her and dump her in the river" local police removed Brishna from the shelter and returned her to her family.

Call on police to protect Brishna and staff at the shelter, and investigate the threats against them.

Honour killings are an ongoing problem in Afghanistan. Shockingly, Afghanistan’s Penal Code recommends reduced sentences in murder cases when honour is the motivation. When a murderer is convicted for an honour killing, they receive no more than two years jail.

Please sign at:

Friday, October 10, 2014

I would think that supporting Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing and torturing people to death would be more reason to be ashamed, but apparently it's a case of "Judaism Makes It Right" and as a result what would be evil in other circumstances comes magically good because it's done by Jews and not to Jews.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Other sources claim that Kissinger's reason was that Cuba sent troops to support the new communist government of Angola in 1975 after the country gained independence from Portugal and was attacked by Apartheid South Africa and the UNITA rebels, which were supported by a bizarre alliance which included USA, Apartheid South Africa and North Korea.

Previously USA had supported yet another rebel group, FNLA, with Israel and communist China and Romania...

Angola endured 27 years of civil war until Angolan government - by then supported by also USA - killed UNITA's leader Jonas Savimbi in 2002. The same government which USA and Apartheid South Africa wanted to overthrow in 1975 still rules the country, after having changed communism to capitalistic cleptocracy, and is now backed by China thanks to the vast resources Angola has.

The criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is now using the arena of the United Nations to continue his deception, lies, threats, intimidation and misdirection, attempting to cover up his and his army’s terror massacres against Palestinian civilians, children and elders, who are still being killed in cold blood in full view of the world, said the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in response to Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly...

...Once again, the Front emphasized the importance of prosecuting the Zionist war criminals in international courts for their crimes against the Palestinian people, which requires Palestinian officials to urgently sign the Rome Statute and join the International Criminal Court, and immediately file to prosecute the leaders of the occupier as war criminals.

United States has been morally bankrupt country always when it comes to their "justice" system. Public prosecutors using court cases as springboards to political careers is just one the reasons why "justice" so rarely happens in cases like this.

To be an Arab or Muslim and to be accused of terrorism in the USA means that you are certain to be convicted one way or another, but this doesn't trouble 99 % of "Americans", who just sing their old song how they have the "Best Justice System in the World" - like they did during the Jim Crow era lynchings.

It's a rotten country and it's justice system, like every other part of it's system of governance, seems to successfully oppose all attempts at reform.

My only problem with this is the way you mentioned Western Sahara, which is the last colony in Africa and which like Palestine has been trapped in endless peace process where the Western countries supporting the occupier, in this case Morocco, allow the occupation to continue even when Morocco has for twenty years successfully stopped the independence referendum from going on. Western Sahara needs it's liberty. Polisario, the independence movement of Western Sahara, is secular and wants to establish a secular state. Morocco, on the other hand, is a "security state". Prominent Saharawi human rights activist Hassana al-Wali just died imprisoned, after years of torture and mistreatment. The Saharawi deserve their independence and their culture is far from the puritan austerity the Saudi Wahhabis want to enforce in Muslim countries - just look at the prominent role of women both in the Saharawi culture and their independence struggle. I enjoy reading your blog, but please, don't believe the Moroccan propaganda in this issue. Supporting the independence of Western Sahara is not about being trendy, but allowing the Saharawi to leave refugee camps and live in peace in their own country. And Morocco itself needs true democratic change.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

There's one thing that has troubled me about the way IS/ISIL/ISIS has behaved.
After major victories it started to behead 'Western' captives at a time when it could have and - logically alone - should have concentrated on consolidation and avoid larger confrontation,
Instead it basically goaded the 'West' to attack like a cowardly bull-fighter goads a bull.
Why on earth would IS/ISIL/ISIS have done this? Over-confidence, wanting to keep alliance with Iraqi troops - or it's own ranks - together by a big, common enemy, dangerous way to lure new recruits - or else its leadership knows something that the 'Western' leaders (and us) don't....
I have no idea what it could be, but I can't shake away the feeling that they should have not acted in this manner if there's any pragmatism in their commanders.
As long as Israel operates a de facto ban on bomb shelters for it's minorities and in some cases for Jewish women, I think Israelis have no right to complain if people living under occupation by Israel take measures like this.

Israel tortures Palestinians to death, Palestinians living under occupation don't allow Israelis on campuses.

Do you think that raids by Israeli occupation troops, very common, and dead students and staff at Israel's hand might have something to do with it?