Wednesday, October 15, 2014

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At just ten years old, Brishna is the survivor of a brutal rape.

Although a local mullah has been charged and awaits trial, powerful groups in the community want to kill Brishna for "bringing shame" on her family.

We need to act fast: death threats are pouring in – even from relatives and religious leaders.

Demand Afghan authorities protect Brishna against the threat of an "honour" killing.

After she was released from hospital, Brishna was taken to a shelter run by Women for Afghan Women for protection.

Despite male relatives threatening to "kill her and dump her in the river" local police removed Brishna from the shelter and returned her to her family.

Call on police to protect Brishna and staff at the shelter, and investigate the threats against them.

Honour killings are an ongoing problem in Afghanistan. Shockingly, Afghanistan’s Penal Code recommends reduced sentences in murder cases when honour is the motivation. When a murderer is convicted for an honour killing, they receive no more than two years jail.

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