Friday, November 11, 2016

Primal hate from the same fountainhead as antisemitism

Primal hate from the same fountainhead as antisemitism

Majority of the politically active Jews in the so-called 'West' demand that the entire world cries for long dead Jewish victims and commemorates them - and that the world ignores what Zionists in the name of Jews do to Palestinians.

This majority of vocal Jews believe that all must care for the Jews, everywhere and always, and that none should ever be allowed to show any sympathy or compassion or help to Palestinians. They forbid it, declare it to be an insult to themselves and to all Jews - which they don't represent.

Jews only for Jews, everybody else for Jews and nobody for Palestinians - this is what these Jews demand.

Only a minority of politically active Jews understands that ethnic-religious identity can't be the basis of morality.

That is the tragedy of much of modern Jewry. They try to deny the humanity and existence of Palestinians, and their right to live in peace and free on their own land. But in the process it's they who willingly end up shedding their humanity.

They sacrifice their own humanity in their hate for Palestinians, hate which is as primal as antisemitism and comes from the same fountainhead: The inability to accept that the 'Other' has a right to exist.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY October 2nd: A Heavy Political Price

While world leaders are gathering to commemorate Shimon Peres and his path to peace, the Israeli government is creating another obstacle for the two state solution by establishing a new settlement in the heart of the West Bank. The government's decision to reward settlers who stole private Palestinian lands will make the rest of Israel's law-abiding citizens pay a heavy political price.

Comment by Israeli NGO Peace Now.


Peace Now Settlement Watch: Plan Promoted for a New Settlement Near Shiloh

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY October 2nd: Malik al-Qadi released from hospital

Malik al-Qadi won his 68 day hunger-strike against imprisonment without charge by Israeli occupation and was released on September 22nd.
He spent the next ten days recuperating in a hospital in Ramallah and returned back to his home town of Bethlehem on Sunday October 2nd, where he met with the mother of his fellow victorious hunger-strikers Mahmoud and Muhammad Balboul's mother Sanaa.
The Balboul brothers will be released in December after winning their 77 and 79 day long hunger-strikes.
PHOTO: @qudsn

Sunday, October 02, 2016

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY October 1st: "Reconsider your decision, sir."

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY October 1st: "Reconsider your decision, sir."

“Whether [Peres] was a terrorist or not, whether he invented of the policy of breaking bones during the First Intifada or not, whether he was involved in the Jenin refugee camp massacre, the massacre of the al-Yasmeen neighborhood in Nablus, or the massacre of Qana -- who is he that you are going to partake in his funeral while the majority of the people you represent oppose him?” 

“You can visit the mother of Yasser Hamduna, who died in Israeli custody, and ask her what she thinks. If she agrees, go. If she doesn't, you will have the final word. But if you decide alone to partake in the funeral of a killer of our people, that would be a mistake. And if you made up your mind after consultations, you have been misled.

“There should be no personal or friendly relations with the occupier, as long as they continue with their arrogant policies against our people.

“Reconsider your decision, sir.”

Osama Mansour Abu Arab, major in Palestinian Authority's military liaison office writing on his Facebook page on Friday to president Mahmoud Abbas.

Abu Arab was suspended from his position and arrested on Saturday by Palestinian Authority's security forces.


PA security officer arrested after criticizing Abbas' participation in Peres funeral

الامن يعتقل أبو عرب بعد ساعات من ايقافه من عمله…/27177-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86-%D9…

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY October 1st: Raghad Khaddour(18) freed

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY October 1st: Raghad Khaddour(18) freed

Raghad Khaddour(18) - name also written as al-Khdour - was released on early afternoon of Saturday October 1st by Israel's occupation forces and moved to a hospital in Ramallah.

She was wounded near spine and abdomen on September 16st by Israel's occupation forces, who killed her fiancée Firas Khaddour(18) in the same incident at the entrance to Israel's illegal colony of Kiryat Arba in occupied West Bank's Hebron.

The extent of permanent damage to her spinal cord and nerves is unknown at this point, but she needs a long period of recovery even at the best case.

Israeli occupation tried to allege that the young couple had done 'a vehicular attack', planted a knife on Raghad's seat and claimed that she had 'confessed' to this supposed 'attack' in 'a will'.

Israeli occupation also claimed that 3 illegal Israeli settlers had been 'injured' in the supposed attack, admitting later that they had 'been treated for shock'.

Raghad's sister Majd(18) was killed on the exact same spot on June 25th in similar circumstances, shot dead in her car.


Israel releases Palestinian woman shot and wounded after alleged vehicular attack


Woman whose Fiancé was Killed by Israel Released by Israeli Authorities…/woman-whose-fiance-was-killed-by-israel…/

Saturday, October 01, 2016

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY September 30th 2016: Last kiss to father

Ahmad As’ad Meit(30) being kissed by his son during his funeral on Friday September 30th in Palestine's besieged Gaza Strip.
Meit died during the dismantling of an unexploded Israeli missile in Gaza's Beit Hanoun on Thursday.
The missile leaked propellant or other material that turned gaseous and (apparently) because of inadequate protective equipment, those dismantling the missile ended up inhaling the gas.
Three others suffered injuries and were reported to be in a critical condition.
At first it was reported that Meit died in a collapse of a resistance tunnel, but that was wrong information.
PHOTO: وكالة صفا @SafaPs


28 y/o Palestinian named Nasim Abu Mizer / Abu Mazer has been killed at Qalandia checkpoint by Israel's occupation forces late on Friday evening.

As far as we can know now, he was shot sometime before ten p.m. and was dead before eleven p.m. on Palestine time.

Abu Mizer was shot and left to bleed for almost an hour without being given medical aid after alleged attack on Israeli occupation forces' member, who would have supposedly been 'stabbed' in neck according to one source, and to 'upper body' according to another.

Israel's occupation forces didn't allow Palestinian medics to reach the bleeding young man and refused to give aid to him themselves in contravention to laws of war.

The health status of the occupier - either a member of regular occupation forces or a paramilitary 'Border Guard' based on different sources - was described to be "moderate to serious".

At this point, based on the few photographs we have seen from the scene, we believe that the allegation seems likely to be factual when it comes to the basic details - assuming that the injured occupier wasn't injured by friendly fire.

The victim Nasimn Abu Mizer was from the town of Kafr Aqab.

After he had been shot and was bleeding to death, Israeli occupation closed the checkpoint and used tear gas to attack local youths protesting the killing.


Friday, September 30, 2016



Raghad al-Khadour, critically wounded on September 16th during incident in which her fiancée Feras al-Khadour was killed at the entrance to the illegal Israeli colony of Kiryat Arba in the occupied West Bank's Hebron, is going to be released by the Israeli occupation.

The claims against her and her fiancee, like those against Mustafa Nimer and his brother-in-law Ali Nimer, have crumbled. But in both cases one young person was left dead and the other one wounded.


During the preparation of this post we noticed that Twitter has removed most of the photos and videos showing the incident in question, especially those published by anti-occupation accounts of which one - by well known Palestinian @NasserZB who had over 29 000 followers - has been entirely erased.

Facebook and Google are not alone among social media giants in dancing to the occupier Israel's tune, and the usual guardians of free speech and press freedom are silent.


On 16th September Israel's occupation forces fired at car driven by Feras al-Khadour at the entrance to illegal Israeli colony of Kiryat Arba in Palestine's Hebron, killing the 18 y/o teenager and wounding his fiancée, Raghad al-Khadour.

Raghad, aged 17 or 18, was at first also claimed to have been wounded, but she survived the shooting critically wounded.

Her sister Majd al-Khadour(18), a mother of one, was killed at the exact same place in similar circumstances on June 25th.

In the immediate aftermath Israeli occupation published a photo of a big knife on Raghad's seat in the car. She would have been sitting atop it if it would have been there when the shooting happened.

The photo can still be seen on the Twitter account of Peter Lerner, Israel's Occupation Forces 'Head of Foreign & Social Media':

Two days after the shooting Israeli occupation claimed that they had her 'will' in their hands and that in it she supposedly had 'confessed' to joining an attack to atone for a relationship she supposedly had had.

Today we have the news that Israeli occupation will release her, according to a lawyer from the Palestinian Detainees Committee.


The news of her being released in effect means that Israel's literal assassination attempt on her failed, attempt to fake her guilty by planting a knife also failed and an attempt to fake her guilty and 'character assassinate' her through 'a will' has now failed too.

We note that a similar attempt to incriminate Mustafa Nimer(27) with a knife planted on his seat in a car after his killing earlier this month in the Shufat refugee camp also failed and the planted knife has been buried in even bigger silence than the innocent victim whose death it was supposed to excuse.

But her fiancée Feras al-Khadour is dead. Nothing will bring him back, even when Raghad gains her freedom and hopefully recovers from her wounds.

She will be moved to a hospital in Ramallah during the next two days.





Israel To Release Wounded Palestinian Woman, Whose Fiance Was Killed On September 16

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY September 29th 2016: Death in a Gaza tunnel

Ahmad Asaad Mayt(30) died in the collapse of a resistance tunnel in besieged Gaza Strip's Beit Hanoun on Thursday, September 29th. Three other people were critically injured.

One source - @PalinfoAr - connected this to an attempt to dismantle an Israeli occupation missile, but no other source we know has made to same claim so far.

Mayt's connection to any armed faction is unknown. Most resistance tunnel activity is done by the armed wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.


Thursday, September 29, 2016

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY September 27th 2016: From the womb to the grave

Israel took him from her for 13 years and did not allow her to see him free again, but on Tuesday September 27th the mother of political prisoner Yasser Hamdouna(41) helped to carry her son to his grave.

Hamduna died on Sunday as prisoner of occupier Israel, his cause of death being untreated enlargement of the heart, which could have been treated and kept in control with medication.

He was a member of Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade and beyond his mother, he leaves behind a wife and two children.


Autopsy reveals Palestinian prisoner died of heart condition after years of medical neglect

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY September 27th: Disunited Jerusalem

According to the Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ), procedures to apply for Israeli-issued building permits in East Jerusalem are lengthy, sometimes lasting for several years, while the application costs could reach up to 300,000 shekels ($79,180).

As a result, Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem -- some 82 percent of whom live under the poverty line -- tend to build without permits in order to accommodate the needs of their families, and only 7 percent of Jerusalem building permits go to Palestinian neighborhoods, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz.


Former terrorist under the British Mandate, then war criminal as an official and a politician in Israel, Shimon Peres often in his later years held keys to peace and never as strongly as after Yitzhak Rabin's murder in 1995.

That was the point in history which could have been his moment of redemption - he had a chance to move quickly to end the occupation and bring peace both to occupied Palestinians, Lebanese and Israel itself. He would have been able to show he deserved his Nobel Prize for Peace.

Instead he sought power over peace and committed the Qana massacre in Lebanon and destroyed a golden opportunity, going to lose elections to Benyamin Netanyahu, who had incited against Rabin before his murder.

As a president of Israel Peres claimed that 51 % of the West Bank - 11 % of British Mandate, in which he arrived as Szymon Perski from Poland - should be enough for Palestinians and acted as fig leaf with his Nobel Prize for consecutive governments which gave him a piece of power in exchange of his support against peace.

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY for September 28th 2016: The First Qana Massacre

On April 18th 1996 Israel's occupation forces deliberately targeted the United Nations base and adjacent refugee camp in Qana, Lebanon with an artillery barrage, killing 106 civilians as part of then prime minister Shimon Peres' 'Grapes of Wrath' attack in Lebanon.

This was de facto human sacrifice - intended to gain votes in a coming parliamentary elections by showing that Peres could be hard and ruthless. It failed; he lost the elections to Benyamin Netanyahu's Likud and started the long decline of Israel's once dominant Labor Party.

'Naturally' no one has ever been brought to trial for this first Qana Massacre. Second would follow a decade later, then Israel would kill 28 civilians in an air-strike.

According to Shimon Peres himself, he had no regrets.

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY September 28th: "A few Arabs die, there is no harm in that"

"When the world heard that Shimon Peres had died, it shouted “Peacemaker!” But when I heard that Peres was dead, I thought of blood and fire and slaughter.

I saw the results: babies torn apart, shrieking refugees, smouldering bodies. It was a place called Qana and most of the 106 bodies – half of them children – now lie beneath the UN camp where they were torn to pieces by Israeli shells in 1996...
There was a UN enquiry which stated in its bland way that it did not believe the slaughter was an accident. The UN report was accused of being anti-Semitic. Much later, a brave Israeli magazine published an interview with the artillery soldiers who fired at Qana. An officer had referred to the villagers as “just a bunch of Arabs” (‘arabushim’ in Hebrew). “A few Arabushim die, there is no harm in that,” he was quoted as saying. Peres’s chief of staff was almost equally carefree: “I don’t know any other rules of the game, either for the [Israeli] army or for civilians…”"

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY September 26th: FIFA 'engaged in business activity that supports Israeli settlements'

"Human Rights Watch’s research suggests, however, that the issue is not merely a dispute between national associations over the interpretation of FIFA rules.

By allowing the IFA to hold matches inside settlements, FIFA is engaging in business activity that supports Israeli settlements, contrary to the human rights commitments it recently affirmed.
An April 2016 report, commissioned by FIFA and written by John Ruggie, the author of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), which outline the human rights responsibilities of businesses, makes specific recommendations for FIFA to implement the UNGP throughout its activities.
Newly-elected FIFA President Gianni Infantino took office pledging to steer FIFA out of the human rights and corruption scandals of recent years, so that fans and players can focus on the “beautiful game” of football.

Doing business in the settlements is inconsistent with these commitments."

Israel/Palestine: FIFA Sponsoring Games on Seized Land


Yasser Thiab Hamduna died, as he had been for 13 years, as a captive of occupier Israel, on Sunday September 25th. He was aged 40 or 41. (His last name is also written as Hamdouni in English.)

The immediate cause of death was claimed to be a stroke or heart attack but an autopsy revealed it to be cardiomegaly, an enlargement of the heart which can be lead to cardiac arrest but can be treated and eased with medication. Medication he did not receive.

After hearing news of his son's death, Hamduna's mother fainted and was eventually taken to a hospital as her condition continued to worsen.

Fellow Palestinian political prisoners have declared a three day hunger-strike after Hamduna's death.

Hamduna was from the village of Yaabad in the Jenin district of occupied West Bank, and he was married and had two children.


The real cause of death was deliberate medical negligence on part Israel, which imprisons Palestinians for decades for standing up against the occupation and then refuses the responsibilities this brings to it under international law.

Hamduna was beaten in prison by Israeli occupation guards, allegedly multiple times for asking for medical care, and lost hearing in one ear as a result.

What medical care he received to his respiratory and heart diseases was inadequate and was not followed by needed follow-up; this year he was immediately put in solitary confinement after an operation to insert a heart catherer - which should have been a chance to find out that cause of his heart problems was that his heart was enlargened.


Hamdyna's "crime" was not crime at all; as a member of Fatah affiliated Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade he was claimed to have taken part in the killing of Israel's occupation forces' soldier during the Second Intifada, an act of resistance enshrined in international law.

If Israel can't stand losing it's occupation soldiers, it can end the occupation any day it wants. Yet it, the occupier, reacts hysterically to the death of it's own occupation soldiers on occupied land, and lashes against those like Yasser Hamduna who refuse to live as brutally oppressed on their own land.


Yasser Hamduna died as political prisoner, but his - like 207 of his fellow captives who have died imprisoned by Israel - legacy is freedom.

As the main presidential candidates in the United States declare their allegiance to occupier Israel and it's Apartheid rule over Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line, we say that the people of the United States have much to learn from Yasser Hamduna.

The United States makes so much about it's claims of 'freedom' and 'liberty' but it has made every effort to deny freedom and liberty for Palestinians ever since it recognized Israel in 1948.

Now the United States will pay 38 billion dollars more to Israel in the next ten years so that Israel can continue to deny liberty to Palestine on a collective level and to Palestinians on an individual level, so that others will suffer Yasser Hamdouni's fate.

But the actions of Palestinians like Yasser Hamdouni will bring freedom and liberty to their people, and the hundreds of billions of dollars United States has poured in to the Apartheid State's project to create a 'Greater Israel' will fail before the determination of men, women and children like Hamduna.

Yasser Hamduna's will was not broken by thirteen years of imprisonment, beatings and medical negligence. To the last, he lived for Palestine and he died for Palestine.


Autopsy reveals Palestinian prisoner died of heart condition after years of medical neglect

Hamas: Hamduna's death in jail a new Israeli crime

Hamas reacts with outrage to death of Palestinian in Israeli custody

Hamduna's mother transferred to hospital

Israeli court allows Palestinian participation in autopsy of Hamduna

Palestinian Detainee Dies From Stroke in Ramon Israeli Prison

Palestinian Political Detainee Dies in Israeli Jail Due To Stroke

Palestinian prisoners declare 3-day hunger strike after death of fellow detainee

Palestinian prisoners on 3-day hunger strike as fellow dies in Israeli jail

Prisoner Yasser Hamduna dies in Israeli jail

Monday, September 26, 2016

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY September 25th: Powerful propaganda system "hiding in plain sight"

One wonders if this reflects the panellists’ anti-Semitism, as if they fear talking about coverage of Israel will reveal a “Jewish conspiracy” to shape the news. But, there is no ethnic/religious conspiracy, rather a powerful propaganda system “hiding in plain sight”...

The main explanation for the biased coverage is a small number of mega corporations own most of Canada’s media and these firms are integrated with the broader elite and depend on other large corporations for advertising revenue. Media outlets also rely on US wire services and powerful institutions for most of their international coverage and these same institutions have the power to punish media that upset them.

Yves Engler: Anti-Palestine Media Bias Remains Untouchable Even to Canada’s Media Critics

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY for September 25th: 'Incitement' on Facebook

Some facts about incitement to violence on Facebook.

PHOTO: @qudsn

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Africa's last colony

IPNOT QUOTE OF THE DAY September 24th: Netanyahu "hopes" no attempt to establish Palestine in UN

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he “hoped” US President Barack Obama would not seek to establish a Palestinian state at the United Nations on Saturday...

"If you’re asking if he spoke to me about this, the answer is no," The Jerusalem Post quoted Netanyahu as saying. “If you’re asking me if I am hoping that he won't do this, the answer is yes."

Netanyahu: I hope Obama won't seek to establish a Palestinian state

IPNOT PICTURE OF THE DAY for September 24th: Hunger-striker Malik al-Qadi is free

Released hunger-striker Malik al-Qadi(25) arrives to hospital in occupied Palestine's Ramallah after released by occupier Israel.

After being sentenced twice to imprisonment without charge this year by the Israeli occupation, al-Qadi started a hunger-strike on July 16th which led to victory on September 22nd.

At this moment of triumph for al-Qadi we must remember the many hunger-strikers who have been betrayed by Israel, like Samer Issawi and Sami Janazrah, who won their hunger-strikes only to be betrayed by the occupier, who has taken a 'revenge' against the entire Issawi family for Samer's victory.

PHOTO: Issam Rimawi

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Facebook has disabled accounts of eight Palestinian editors of @qudsn and @ShehabAgency, which have an audience of millions.

Show them support and please consider liking them, if you haven't already done so:



Previously Facebook closed down Shehab News Agency's page for an extended period after complaints from a Zionist, who later openly bragged about it on Twitter.

Facebook is, of course, not alone in this. Last year one phone call from Israel's PM Netanyahu to France's 'president' Francois Hollande resulted in the latter ordering Eutelsat to drop satellite broadcasts for Palestinian Al-Aqsa TV.

Naturally this troubled none of the 'champions' of 'press freedom' in the so-called 'West', just like the closure of Palestinian TV and radio satellites on both sides of the Green Line have resulted with total silence from those in the 'West' who pretend to be champions of free speech and free press.

Freedom of the press is for the 'Western' friends of Apartheid Israel not a noble ideal, but something that can be discarded and trampled upon when needed - like when social media has offered a way for voices of occupied Palestine to reach the wider world bypassing the traditional media crewed by Israel's loyal henchmen.

Support the voices of Palestine in social media, don't let Israel build another illegal Wall in cyberspace to stop them from being heard.


Facebook disables accounts of Palestinian editors

France's Eutelsat Agrees to Drop Hamas TV Broadcasts After Netanyahu's Call to Hollande


Highlighting the irony when every gun- and knife-loving American becomes a pacifist supporter of gun- and knife control, opposing all possession of anything that could be used as a weapon when it comes to Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.

Israeli police arrest Jerusalemite merchant for selling knives

The Israeli police arrested a Jerusalemite merchant for allegedly selling knives to “terrorists,” Haaretz Hebrew newspaper revealed Wednesday.

According to the paper, Israeli police yesterday arrested the owner of a houseware store in Jerusalem’s Old City where an alleged “terrorist” purchased two knives before attempting to stab two police officers on Friday.

The merchant’s 9-year-old son and 16-year-old nephew were also detained and investigated during the raid. His son was then released after two hours.

The merchant was also subjected to tough investigation during which he was questioned about the reason of selling knives to the alleged attacker.

"I replied whether there was a law prohibiting selling knives", he said shortly after his release on Wednesday. The merchant was also denied access to the Old City for a week.

From: Israeli police arrest Jerusalemite merchant for selling knives

PHOTO: Used for illustrative purposes, a cutlery knife autographed by United States' National Rifle Association's (NRA) Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre