Thursday, September 29, 2016


Former terrorist under the British Mandate, then war criminal as an official and a politician in Israel, Shimon Peres often in his later years held keys to peace and never as strongly as after Yitzhak Rabin's murder in 1995.

That was the point in history which could have been his moment of redemption - he had a chance to move quickly to end the occupation and bring peace both to occupied Palestinians, Lebanese and Israel itself. He would have been able to show he deserved his Nobel Prize for Peace.

Instead he sought power over peace and committed the Qana massacre in Lebanon and destroyed a golden opportunity, going to lose elections to Benyamin Netanyahu, who had incited against Rabin before his murder.

As a president of Israel Peres claimed that 51 % of the West Bank - 11 % of British Mandate, in which he arrived as Szymon Perski from Poland - should be enough for Palestinians and acted as fig leaf with his Nobel Prize for consecutive governments which gave him a piece of power in exchange of his support against peace.

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