Thursday, April 15, 2004

Czar Vladimir´s adviser Andrey Illarionov claims that the Kyoto
protocol is "economical Auschwitz" and that it will kill "international

He is little bit off the track there. The whole humanity, so to speak,
are prisoners of Oscwiezcim and mister Illarionov and his master
are the among the guards. Sending huge number of people,
probably billions, to their death, for their own (supposed) gain.

The climate change won´t go away. It will happen. The question is,
how large the change will be. It can be relatively minor or it can be
catastrophic. And all depends from us, human beings.

And that´s why I am so pessimistic about our changes. Humanity
has an uncanny ability not to act according to it´s own interests.

All these Illarionovs should be ferried to some Pacific atoll that´s
barely above sea level and there personally experience the climate
change. By drowning.

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