Wednesday, April 14, 2004

George Walker Bush demands Palestinians "to respond to
the boldness and courage of Israelis". By giving away large
chunk of the little land of their still held? Would that be
"boldness and courage"? In my vocabulary, that would be

The United States political elite, human garbage, is allways
mouthing about the Münich in 1938 and how you should
never accept any deals like that. Well, to me this is Münich
1938: Little guy is forced to give away large part of their
land, because major power is not interested to challenge the
bastards. In 1938 the bastards were Nazis, in 2004 Israelis.

I hope that the Palestinians answer to Bush´s shit talk by killing
as many Israelis a possible. That would be a just answer. In the
spirit of the Old Testament.

Israel is a colonialist monstrosity, a racist apartheid state. It´s
majority population don´t want any kind of realistic peace deal.
They always demand more and more. Since Oslo in 1993 they
over doubled the size of the settlements in the West Bank. That
shows how much they want peace. Their heads are full of human

The only way to deal with them is by use of arms. They think
that when the other side is ready to negotiate, they can set
the terms of any peace deal. And good old Uncle Sam will
stop others to intering with their ongoing crimes.

Israelis should all go to Hell - or to the United States, which
is in the end pretty much the same thing.

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