Israel and the Arafat Question.
I would have so much to write about this, but some other time. I have been awake now almost constantly for one and a half days, so lambasting Dennis Ross isn´t as entertaining an idea as it would otherwise be.But, Americans don´t seem to understand that you can´t be an effective broker of a peace deal when you try to get as best a deal you can for one side, instead of trying to get a deal that is acceptable to both sides. Anyway, I think that nothing would have come out of the peace deal anyway, gallups at the time showed clear Sharon lead over Barak and the polls didn´t show that a peace deal would have saved Barak´s hide; Sharon had already claimed that he wouldn´t honor any peace deal made by the Barak government; US government was changing and anyways US was totally incapable of pressurizing Israel; and there was a lot of opposition on the Palestinian side, and not only among Hamas&Jihad.
Lastly, I can´t understand this American obsession about persons, in this case Jassar Arafat. Jasser Arafat this, Jasser Arafat that, Jasser Arafat is bad, we will not talk with Jasser Arafat blah blah blah blah. Like little children. Getting entangled with personalities and losing the plot when this becomes an obsession.