Musharraf warns of 'iron curtain'.
If one takes as positive an adjustment of Pervez Musharraf´s game, one can see sense in his double game of appeasing both the Americans and the radical islamists. The sense being that his survival depends on it that he gives something to both sides and so does part of what the Americans want him to do and at the same time he doesn´t drive the extremists into a too difficult a position, so that he doesn´t alienate all of them. Some of course try to kill him, but giving room to the religious conservatives does buy him at least time. And towards the Americans he has to show his usefulness so that he doesn´t drive Pakistan into international isolation and give reason to the US to start supporting the democratic opposition. So, to the Americans he has made himself an irreplaceable man and to the religious extremists he has given more room to maneuver and a chunk of power - but one day even the more moderate and cautious among them probably will want to have whole power, not just part of it under Musharraf´s dictatorial reign.