Saturday, February 23, 2013

Israel has no right to exist.

That it has, has become a sacred article of faith for the "West" - and thus it needs to be denied and this denial repeated, like all acts of sacrilege that break mind free from an official "truth".

Israel has no right to exist.

The idea that there is a "right" for political entities to exist and that this concept somehow has a real, meaningful connection to their existence in the real world is itself pretty naive.

I suspect that some kind of subsconscious, primitive magical thinking is partly behind this article of faith, that in some mysterious way repeating this holy chant of the "West" is felt to be keeping up the Apartheid state's existence.

Israel has no right to exist.

In reality, denying or asserting the Apartheid state's "right" to exist has no direct connexion to it's physical existence on the ground and as an institution that controls certain piece of land and water in the Middle East.

Israel has no right to exist.

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