On Tuesday United States' State Department told US citizens to leave Palestine's besieged Gaza Strip "as soon as possible" while borders remained open (to them, but less for the indigenous population).
Media connected this to Israel's supposedly increased attacks against Gaza Strip, but although the bombing campaign from Sunday to Monday was more extensive than 'normally' its unlikely this was enough to lead to the call by the US' State Department.

Not only would global and especially US' attention be in the election, but US' administration and presidential hopefuls would be even more 'supportive' of Israel and far more reluctant to give even mild criticism towards it in fear of Israel Lobby mobilizing against either either party.

Which leads to a high price being paid in Palestinian blood.
What we are dealing with are with are still rumours, but Israel's mode of operation is well established and the possibility of a coming new, large-scale attack on Gaza is a real possibility.
To oppose it we have only one real tool: To make this threatening possibility as public as possible, make as many people aware as possible and call 'Western' politicians to denounce any possible future large-scale attack and deny support for it before it happens.
Gaza's situation is growing worse, not better, as recent news show and we must make it clear to 'Western' politicians that any new large-scale attack on Gaza would be unlikely to be limited to the tiny coastal enclave and would instead likely have effects way beyond it, including in increase of refugees trying to get to Europe by crossing the Mediterranean.
'Western' politicians must be made to understand one simple fact: The 1.83 million prisoners of Gaza Strip could end up to be the next great wave of refugees if Israel is not stopped.
(Photo from 2014 Gaza war is for illustrative purposes.)
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Americans urged to leave Gaza while 'borders are open'
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