Thursday, October 31, 2013

What stopped absolut monarchy in Britain is that the crown failed to make the large landowning aristocratic families to bend to its will like happened in France and instead the high-ranking aristocrats captured a large part of power through force of arms and the rotten parliament, stopping the development of a powerful centralized state led by an absolutist monarch.
The reason was that the crown failed to rally the emerging bourgeois class to its side against the aristocracy as happened in many other countries where absolut monarchies emerged nor was it succesful in selling to the high-ranking aristocracy the idea of increasing royal powers as a protection against the bourgeois.
Oliver Cromwell might have been able to create an absolut monarchy, had he lived much longer than he did. His position was much better and stronger than any of the Stuart rulers in the 17th century.
Even as the British Empire was build, it was internally weak, its bureaucracy a mess and it was haphazardly governed until the mid-Victorian period. Different towns could have different laws until the 1870s.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Israel was created through ethnic cleansing and has done oppression ever since, killing tens of thousands and making 4.9 million people refugees and still the Zionists themselves and their US fans think that Israel should be able to commit all its human rights abuses and international law breaking without suffering any casualties itself, and treat those who try to defend their country against colonialist as criminals.

If the colonialists in Palestine don't want to suffer any casualties, they should go go elsewhere. And they and their US fans should grow up to be even a little more stoical. If Israel insists of wielding a sword, it should also accept that swords will be wielded against it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Such horrible comments here. Many of these people in the film are Palestinian refugees, who have lived their entire lived in refugee camps in Syria and now forced to escape Syria too. About 150-200 Palestinians drowned in the three refugee boat accidents in the span of one week.

British people should look at their own actions in the Middle East; much of what is fault there is the result of British actions - and not just the recent ones by Blair and Cameron. I know that history is one of those subjects suffering in state schools in Britain, but thanks to the internet you can look up a map of the Middle East in 1920.

The parts of Cyprus you still hang on are the last remains of a Middle East you dominated and the results of that domination and carving up colonies, protectorates and vassal states are behind much of the current disturbance.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Israel's latest victim, 24 year old old Mohammed Assi, killed today in Bi'lin village on the West Bank:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

BDS is about justice and reminding people that music doesn’t exist in a vacuum, separate from the society and world around it.

Israel is an Apartheid state that segregates people based on their identity and commits Ethnic Cleansing on a daily basis against Palestinians on the occupied territories and also its own Arab minority, planning to ethnically clean at least 40 000 Bedouins, Israeli citizens, from their Negev villages into townships described by Israeli NGOs as “garbage dumps”. Already existing townships have 70 % unemployment and lack basic services.

On the occupied territories Israel is concentrating Ethnic Cleansing at the moment on East Jerusalem and Jordan Valley, trying to force remaining Palestinian population out from this area comprising large part of West Bank and its most important agricultural areas. In the ongoing peace negotiatons Israel’s regime demands that it can control this area indefinitely. Occupation of Jordan Valley by Israel costs Palestinian economy 3.4 billion US dollars a year according to World Bank.

Telling facts to musicians about the state they plan to appear in is not harassment, its educating them about facts and reminding them that music is not separate from politics. If Israeli Jews still dislike of Wagner’s music because the Nazis liked promoted it, then they can have no complaints if advocates of human rights and freedom for Palestinians have a similar message to those who would be ready to appear in an Apartheid State.