Monday, November 27, 2017


Starting with censorship of center-left and left-wing media, Google has now taken to the next step:

Google News has seemingly gone full White Nationalist - aka Fascist Racist, as they need to be called, centrist niceties aside - as it censors news about the 130th anniversary of the Thibodaux Massacre, the mass murder of 60 African-American labor union activists in Louisiana in 1887.

Search 'Thibodaux Massacre' on Google News - nothing comes up.

Make the same search for the last week on any major search engine, even Google's own, and see a large variety of articles from different mainstream sources.

These mass social media corporations owned and run by radical rightwing libertarians from the United States have an agenda - and it's not pretty.

(My first post beyond about this act of White Suprematist censorship by Google disappeared only minutes after I posted it on Facebook.)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


This is nonsense, and its appalling how its gets reported uncritically.

It's based on three suppositions that have no factual basis, and these three are then used to support each other:

- The idea that the Pharaoh in Bible's 'Exodus' story was intended to be Ramses II has no support. It has become popular in biblical crackpot circles because he's famous, and then become 'accepted' in these pseudo-scientific phantasies by the weight of being popular. The biblical story has no details that could be connected to what we know from the real historical Ramses except that he was a pharaoh also.

As the story in the bible is not historical writing and was never intended to be historical writing (our idea of historical writing would have been utterly alien to those who wrote it, annals being the extent of their understanding of historical writing), the Pharaoh is a representative figure whose character and role has been created based on the demands of the story, the myth, and not what the authors of the story might have known about past historical pharaohs (little beyond their immediate past):

If we want to find models for the 'Pharaoh of the Exodus', and have any scientific credibility, we would look at what historical phraohs authors of the story could have actually used as models and then sculpted for the demands of their story; someone very close to the time of the composition of the story as an oral version and and then another one at the time of it being written down.

- The idea that the biblical story represents a solar eclipse. That theory has been proposed before, but its a theory. As can be seen, the original text offers multiple ways of interpretation. The idea that there must be a real natural event to explain what is an event in a myth is something that we can't be sure of.

The biblical story is not constrained by scientific facts, but only by the imagination of the people who came up with it. There is no archaeological or historical evidence for any part of it, and there is no astronomical either.

The demands of the story decide how the event is portrayed, the story wasn't adapted to fit what we understands as scientific credibility.

- Even if the story would describe a solar eclipse, it doesn't have to describe some particular historical eclipse. If we could be sure that it's a solar eclipse in the story, even then we could only know that the people who came up the story knew a such phenomenon existed; we couldn't know that they recorded a real historical solar eclipse instead of using an overall description of solar eclipse in what they came up with.

The authors of the Exodus myth were not constrained by a real historical events; again, they were only constrained by their imagination. If they wanted to insert a solar eclipse in their story to create a dramatical event in the story, nobody would have said they couldn't do it.

If they wanted to make a solar eclipse to last a day, again no one would among their peers or audience would have said them that real solar eclipses don't last a day.

Myths and religious stories don't obey the rules of scientific writing.

- Trying to fit Biblical stories into scientific frame to 'prove them' should be a thing of the past; when crackpot theories based on circular reasoning are reported alongside valid science, these Biblical phantasies get credibility that they don't deserve.

I suggest people actually read the Exodus story and see it as the religious myth constrained only the imagination of their writers and the demands of the religion; the few most famous points that the biblical crackpot theories try to prove again and again have a multitude of other far-fetched points that go far beyond realism - I suggest, for starters, that you try to keep a record of the death toll for example.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


This is basically Liberal Zionist propaganda that blames victims for their own continued oppression while with barely concealed mirth celebrates 'Invincible Israel' as it makes token gestures to lament the situation which the writer thinks and clearly wants to go on.

The very title plays to the Zionist mindset. Lets throw it to the trash bin where it belongs to - occupation, ethnic cleansing, Apartheid, mass incarceration - these are not "war". They are oppression, they are racial segregation, they are simply acts of ideological hate.

Now, let's put forward a few simple facts: The occupation of what remains of Palestinians' lands is kept up only by the support and acceptance of the "West". The occupation - as does the siege of Gaza - will go on as long as the "West" allows. The day when it doesn't allow it anymore, it will stop.

Currently it goes on because, firstly, "Western" media is utterly on Israel's side, hiding the reality of the occupation and Apartheid and simply refusing to tell news that are negative to Israel; increasingly "Western" media just cut and pastes what Israeli authorities tell them.

As an excuse "Western" media tells us that Israel wouldn't allow its reporters in Israel or occupied territories at all if it wouldn't report what Israel tells it to report; the claim is that propaganda for the occupier is better than reporting from a distance.

Secondly "Western" politicians think that their careers and the success of their parties' depend on doing Israel's bidding. This is largely based on antisemitism, the idea of Jews - and to "Western" politicians all Jews are Likudniks - controlling media and the financing of those political careers.

"Western" companies making profit out of the occupation also finance these politicians, who then loudly oppose BDS. The importance of BDS is not, at this stage, of making serious dent to occupation profiteering: It's still ground-work for that, winning the fight for the right to boycott in the first place and making the boycott movement known.

In the end, Israel is doing suicidal things which the Liberal Zionist writer doesn't mention - it's regime is deliberately attacking and alienating not only its Palestinian but the Druze minority also. Increased destruction of homes and entire villages, taking of citizenship even from those who have served in Israel's occupation forces while leading Israeli politicians openly favour ethnic cleansing of Palestinians with Israeli citizenship without condemnation.

Since 1960s Israel has tried to isolate Arab communities in Israel from each other so that they wouldn't form large continous areas that might be eventually returned to Palestinian political control. Now Israel increasingly attacks those communities and there is no realistic way to separate more than a tiny part of them from Israel and to keep any kind of geopolitical coherence.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


British police are re-opening the unsolved murder case of Palestinian cartoonist Naji al-Ali, who was shot in London, Great Britain on July 22nd 1987 and died of his wounds on August 29th 1987.


When he was shot, Naji al-Ali was walking to the London offices of the Kuwaiti al-Qabas newspaper. He had left his car nearby and had made his way on foot to the St Ives street in Chelsea when he was attacked at 17:10 local time.

The man who shot him had been following him for forty seconds according to eye-witnesses.

The killer, a 'Middle Eastern looking" man of about 25 years of age seemed to have an accomplice. This accomplice was another "Middle Eastern looking" man in his fifties.

The sources differ at this point: Either the accomplice alone or with the shooter escaped in a "silver Mercedes". In some sources the the killer himself escaped on foot, while the accomplice took care of the gun.

The gun, 7.62 millimeter Tokarev - originally produced in Soviet Union but later made in many countries - was found in 1989.


During the original investigation the British police arrested in Hull a Palestinian student named Ismail Sowan(b. 1959), on whose possession was found arms and explosives.

Under interrogation Sowan claimed that he was a Mossad double-agent inside PLO. He claimed Mossad had recruited him as a teenager in 1977 in the occupied West Bank and told him to join PLO.

Sowan claimed that he learned about a plot to kill Naji al-Ali and had informed his handlers in Tel Aviv. He was sentenced to eleven years in prison for possession of explosives on November 2nd 1988. Sowan was released early in 1994 and deported to Jordan, whose nationality he held.

The lack of further arrests based on Sowan's claims have never been explained well. A second person claiming to work for Mossad was also arrested, but not charged.


Naji Salim Hussain al-Ali became a refugee when his own home village of Ash Sharaja (where he was born in 1936) was destroyed by the Zionists in 1948. Nowadays on its ruins stands an Israeli town called Ilanya.

His family ended up living in Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon in Lebanon, and later al-Ali also lived in Shatila refugee camp in Beirut, working first at orchards and then as car mechanic, living two years in Saudi Arabia. in 1960-1961 he was part of a group producing a sort-lived political journal "Sarkha"("Cry!"). During his time he was arrested for political reasons by the Lebanese government.

Naji al-Ali's first cartoons were published in 1961 by fellow Palestinian left-wing intellectual, author and revolutionary member of PFLP Ghassan Kanafani(1936-1972), who was murdered with his niece by Israel with a car bomb in Beirut.

Naji al-Ali went on to create the iconic symbol of Palestinian refugees, Handala, the boy who won't grow up until he can return to Palestine. To the cartoonist himself Handala reflected the boy who was forced to leave Ash Sharaja:

“I am still that age today and I feel that I can recall and sense every bush, every stone, every house and every tree I passed when I was a child in Palestine.”

In Naji al-Ali's cartoons Handala witnesses the crimes of Israel, the sufferings of the Palestinian people, the duplicity and avarice of corrupt Arab leaders and the use of religion to silence voices of women.

Handala has also become a symbol of the BDS Movement, which seeks the end of the occupation, equal rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel and a right of return to the refugees through peaceful means: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.

In his exile that would last a life-time Naji al-Ali produced 40 000 cartoons.

In 1988 the International Federation of Newspaper Publishers gave him posthumously the Golden Pen award, declaring him to have been "one of the best cartoonists since the 18th century".


The British media back in 1987 and still now in 2017 have tried to mention Israel as little as possible in their articles. Which, in itself is telling. What is not said or seen is often as important what is.

Instead of Israel we see BBC back in 1987 and now in 2017 blaming - based on unnamed "Middle Eastern commentators" (read Israeli media, politicians and the handlers of BBC journalists and executives) - Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini, "Arab states", "a Kuwaiti gang" and PLO.

Instead of Israel - bane of Palestinian intellectuals and cartoonists then and today - BBC and rest of the British media want to plant in their audience the idea that either Palestinians killed their greatest cartoonists who gave voice to the refugees' plight or that it was otherwise a case of "Arabs killing Arabs".

This doesn't mean that Israel necessarily did kill Naji al-Ali, but it does show how the British media wanted and did avoid bringing that possibility up, back in 1987 and now. Instead the British media has spent thirty years running defensive action for Israel whenever Naji al-Ali's murder comes up.

Perhaps some authoritarian Arab regime killed Naji al-Ali, perhaps some "Kuwaiti gang", but what is clear is that BBC, The Guardian and the rest very much suspect that it was Israel who did it based on their reaction.

The reaction of the British state itself is telling; if Naji al-Ali would have been killed by Iran, PLO or any Palestinian faction or at least there being any real evidence of the sort - then Great Britain would have taken all possible political advantage of it.

Not to speak of Israel's regime, which would have exploited Naji al-Ali's death at the hands of anyone but itself to the fullest.

Other possible culprits brought up have been the Phalangists of Lebanon - still the darlings of the "West" as "anti-Iranian reformers" - who were then allies of Israel. In 1982 the Phalangists massacred up to 3500 Palestinian refugees in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps while Israel's army besieged the camps.

It was threats from them which had in 1983 made Naji al-Ali to move from Lebanon to Kuwait, from which he was forced to leave not because of "a Kuwaiti gang" according to himself, but pressure from Saudi Arabia, another favourite of the "West".


The saying "revolutionaries never die" holds true of Naji al-Ali also; he was a committed left-wing revolutionary who used art to fight for his people and for a better world overall. Pen was his weapon.

It's not widely known especially in the "West", but cartoon is a popular and respected genre among Palestinians, with cartoonists giving voice to the feelings, yearnings and disappointments of the people.

Israel fears these modern sons and daughters of Naji al-Ali, who have picked up and multiplied his pen, and through whose work Handala too still shares and witnesses in the tribulations, sufferings and victories of the Palestinian people.

Just recently, amidst the fighting against extremist Islamists in Ain al-Helweh refugee camp in Lebanon, an art exhibition made by local Palestinian refugee youths was opened in his honour. In his childhood Naji al-Ali had lived his family in Ain al-Helweh.

Whoever shot Naji al-Ali, and the ones who send him to kill him, failed. We hope that they can bring to justice, as remote as that chance has been, but they have already been defeated.



Monday, January 23, 2017


The site of the US embassy is partly on the side of occupied East Jerusalem and US is not planning to recognize Palestine and East Jerusalem as its capital, nor West Jerusalem as Israel's capital, but whole of Jerusalem solely as Israel's capital with the embassy sealing that recognition.

At the same time Israel is literally daily destroying Palestinian homes and businesses in the occupied East Jerusalem, where 82 % of over 300 000 Palestinians live in poverty and 35 % have no running water, while Israel gives local schools (which it claims to be just any schools in Israel itself) less than 20 % of the funding that West Jerusalem schools of equal size get.

There's a lack of 1000 school rooms - to which Israel responds by trying to close down privately operating schools. About 40 % of Palestinian children in occupied East Jerusalem never finish schooling.


East Jerusalem has Islam's third holiest site, the Al-Aqsa mosque compound. Each US president starting from Bill Clinton has tried to hand it to Israel, because pleasing Israel and Israel Lobby is more important to US than putting the Islamic world aflame.

Israel has been destroying historic buildings going back to the Mamluk period (1250-1516) from the area around al-Aqsa mosque compound, has closed a Muslim graveyard just outside it from burials and is planning to turn it into a park - not the first Muslim graveyard to suffer this fate in Jerusalem under Israel's rule.

There are several ongoing synagogue projects Israel is pushing in occupied East Jerusalem, one of which would be a six-story mega-synagogue crowned with a high dome at the heart of East Jerusalem's Old City.

Symbolic signs of Israel's rule and intended to make the area around al-Aqsa mosque compound Jewish. The ban on Muslim call to prayer is part of the eradication of the existing nature of East Jerusalem's Old City.

Knesset plans to 'divide' the al-Aqsa mosque itself between Jews and Muslims before a full Israeli takeover of the compound area, which would see a new Jewish Temple to be built beside existing buildings or replacing them.

Like in Hebron's Ibrahimi mosque, increasing numbers of Jews visit the al-Aqsa mosque compound under Israeli occupation guard; some 12 000 last year. At the same time Israel tries to limit Muslim access, on some days allowing only those over 50, on some those over 60.

Occupied Hebron's Ibrahimi mosque - site of the 1994 massacre of 29 people by American Baruch Goldstein - Israel now often keeps closed for Muslims on several days of the week while allowing access to its illegal settlers; Palestinians are regularly killed around it - creating a zone of fear, possibly deliberately.

Ibrahimi mosque can be seen as Israel's 'dry run' for al-Aqsa mosque compound, while US politicians and pundits tell each other that nobody will care or notice if Israel takes al-Aqsa mosque compound over and closes to it to Muslims while making it a site for Jewish worship.

I'm sure those who aren't hasbara trolls understand how far away that expectation is from the reality of what would ensue.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Commenting: Israeli officials back shoot-to-kill policy of Palestinian suspects, says Human Rights Watch

Commenting: Israeli officials back shoot-to-kill policy of Palestinian suspects, says Human Rights Watch


Let's turn the situation upside down. It often makes it easier to see a situation:

Let's say Palestinians do and say what Israel and Israelis have done and said.

Israelis shot, left to bleed without aid, some immobile wounded Israelis finished with 'confirming the kill' (as Israelis say when they kill wounded Palestinians) shots when they offer no threat?

And a same excuse of them being 'attackers' paraded again and again by Palestinian officials, who would publicly support killing of wounded Israelis and condemn those who criticize it?

What would be the reaction of Israel's government, media, Jewish citizens and 'Western' politicians and media?

I think we all know it.

A huge avalanche of condemnation.

But when Israel does this to Palestinians, what is the reaction? Almost total silence - and attempt by Israel's online troll army to silence those few places like The Independent which report this and those online commentators who condemn what Israel is doing and what its representatives are saying.


Israel's political leaders can say and do the most offensive and awful things without it carrying no price from the 'West'.

No wonder that single UN Resolution then makes them go mad when they have been taught by the 'West' that they can get away with all.

Theirs is the anger of the pampered child who has always gotten his way no matter what - leaving a trail of blood behind him...


Israel has killed about 70 Palestinian children in the last 15 months.

At the same time Palestinians have killed 1 Israeli child.

In 2014 Israel killed over 560 Palestinian children, while Palestinians killed 4 Israeli children.

But according to the 'West' it's Israel which is 'defending itself'. It's Israel which needs 'security' - not the Palestinians.

The over 2200 Palestinian children killed by Israel in this century, the several hundred Lebanese children also killed by Israel - they don't matter.

In the eyes of the 'West' they, their lives and their deaths - don't usually exist.

If they are mentioned, then some Israeli apologists tell us that its the fault of Palestinians that Israel kills their children and if Palestinians would just give up, stop resisting and give their entire land over to Zionists, then everything would be right and Israel wouldn't have to kill more children to 'defend itself'.


Israel denies medical aid to many of the Palestinians it wounds. It delays aid to all of them. No matter age or gender.

But what it does is to strip many of them to their underwear and often fully naked while letting them bleed without medical aid. Some are hand-cuffed.

Israel can do this - strip them naked and handcuff - but it for some reason can't give them first aid or move them to hospital.

'Security reasons' its spoke-persons say, 'had to check up first' - meaning clothes stripped soon after shooting, sometimes immediately, and then left to bleed for an hour or hour and a half, as long as it takes for the wounded to die.

And Israel allows its illegal settlers with their assault rifles to loiter around wounded, bleeding, naked and dying people - often children - taking photographs of the victims as trophies.

For some reason the 'Western' media both refuses to mention this and refuses to publish the images. 


If Palestinians would do to Israeli Jews what Zionists do to Palestinians, the world would never allow it.

Not for one month, but it has allowed this to go on for 69 years.