Tuesday, March 16, 2004

As the evidence linking Moroccan Salafist terrorist group to Madrid
bombings is becoming stronger, one could ask - playing devil´s
advocate - why Iraq, which had no connections with international
terrorism, was invaded and Morocco not. After all, Morocco is a proven
center of international terrorism. The 43 fighters killed in Chad last week
were most likely Salafists, which group was probably also behind the Casablanca bombings. Moroccan government says it´s fighting terrorism,
but the Moroccan elite has also strong ties with conservative clerical establishment, which then has ties with fundamentalist groups all over Northern Africa.

And Morocco illegally occupies Western Sahara and has for 14 years
succesfully opposed the vote of independence that the 1989 treaty
between Morocco and Polisario, the independence movement of
Western Sahara, called for. Yet there has been no international outcry.
Morocco is seen in the West as a moderate country and 9000 dead
Saharans and 250 000 refugees are forgotten.

Some countries get different treatment than others. Morocco, Saudi
Arabia, Israel and Turkey can do what countries like Syria, Libya, Iran,
Iraq etc can´t. Imagine if the most attackers in September 11th 2001
attacks would have been Syrians or Libyans and not Saudis. Certainly
USA would have attacked both countries, whatever the involvement of
their governments.

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