Tuesday, May 04, 2004

The "Middle East Quartet´s" meeting was typically sad event,
where the participants humiliated themselves and surrendered to
Israel, who got to play ventriloquist once again as the participants
opened their mouths and out game Israeli propaganda and policy.

I have to admit that I really can´t fathom why the world powers
want to continue with this stupidity. It´s not like Israel could or
would (they are fanatical, but not suicidal, and I doubt that
majority of Israelis are ready to die so that the 436 000 settlers
can continue to live in their colonial idyll) resist if they would just
decide to end Israel´s occupation by sending in troops. No US
president, no leading EU byrocrat or memberstate boss, no UN
secretary general, no Russian/Soviet dictator has ever lost their
job for opposing Israel, nor would they now.

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