Friday, July 22, 2005

A truce or a fig leaf?


As far as Israel is concerned, it did not really care about the truce but did not mind it either. Israel never wanted to be a party to any discussion leading to a truce that would tie its hands. It considered the matter a purely internal Palestinian affair, because the media had already saturated the airwaves with the notion that any violence was solely the responsibility of the Palestinians. A truce, therefore, was only required from them. The Israelis also wanted the truce to delegitimize any Palestinian opposition, not only to the deepening occupation, but also to any Israeli plans for further expansion and colonisation. The truce, which Israel never recognized and never promised to observe -- a promise which it strictly kept -- was needed to give it the time to complete its plans of annexation, the creation of new facts on the ground, and the consolidation of its war gains. In simple terms, the truce gave Israel freedom of action at no cost, and certainly at no risk... On that basis, and with full impunity, Israel continued, under the truce, to chase and arrest Palestinians and kill them if they tried to escape arrest, it continued to build settlements on stolen land, to demolish Palestinian houses in Jerusalem to pave the ground for Jewish-themed recreation parks, and to build the apartheid wall. None of these Israeli actions were ever treated as violations by supporters of the truce. Last week, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer sharply rebuked the Palestinians and warned them that they would never get their independent state until they "end violence and terrorism." In contrast, he said he "expressed our concerns to the Israelis about the wall, about the route of the wall and the humanitarian consequences, as well as the settlement activities." The Israelis know that such weak and measly statements from EU officials are utterly devoid of force and are only designed to cover up EU inaction and collusion in front of Arabs and others who still believe that the EU has a Middle East policy independent.

I became very agitated after I read in a newspaper about Fischer´s comments. He acted like a spineless coward who allies himself with bullies because he himself is afraid of them, and proved himself to be in this equal to United Kingdom´s hapless Mr Straw, who declares that he´s "shocked" when Palestinians kill Israelis, but when Israelis kill Palestinians, he declares that "I have always supported Israel´s right to defend itself" and then pleads the Israelis to kill less civilians, if they would be so kind. Of course, Javier Solana has been also making these same kind of comments. Weak and whiny protests of Israel´s landgrabs and threats towards the Palestinians. One would think, based just on these examples, that it´s Israel who has 400 million inhabitans and EU 6,8 million.

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