Friday, May 03, 2013

The "West" has made Israel into an object of worship and everything is permissible to the Israeli regime, which uses Judaism as it's shield. Criticize Israel and the shield will be raised with shouts of "Antisemitism!" and "Holocaust!" and obedient Western politicians run into declare their and their countries undying and unconditional support to Israel no matter what it does.

Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, torturing people like Arafat Jaradat to death and enslaving an entire nation (American born Israeli minister Naftali Bennett publicly declaring that Israel will occupy "at least 200 years" those parts of West Bank that it's not planning to annex)
are seen by the West to be Israel's right, which might occasionally "lamented", but never opposed.

And naturally the victims of Israeli Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing are claimed to be guilty of their own suffering, like Barack Obama has said. According to him everything that Israel has done to Palestinians is their own fault. Imagine the outrage if someone would say the same about past Jewish suffering.

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