Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You supporters of the Apartheid State want Palestinians to play the role of a "Happy Slave Who Loves His Master" and just stay oppressed and humiliated in dwindling bantustans as your version of the Master Race can do whatever crimes it wants without any criticitism towards it at all.

That's not how the real world works.

If Zionists don't want oppressed people "wanting to kill them", they can stop oppressing them. But that's not that they are ready to do and the oppressed people surely are not going to be the "Happy Slaves" of your imagination.

Go and be a house slave for illegal settlers in their illegal settlements' agricultural fields and play a banjo when their children throw rocks at you - oh yes, the Zionists do that every day, but you folks never mention that, do you? - but don't demand it from others.

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