Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kerry's plan is utterly biased, giving Israel what it's leaders wanted still a few years ago - East Jerusalem, almost all illegal settlements, continued control over borders of Palestine and Jordan Valley without any right of return - although now they demand more, as is their habit, moving the goalposts for peace again.

The plan would have no chance in passing in a referendum among Palestinians even on West Bank (as Israel would not allow it being held in East Jerusalem and Hamas probably not in Gaza). It would unlikely to pass in Israel either. If Abbas government would accept Kerry's plan and Israel as a "for Jews only" state - recipe for ethnic cleansing - they would make themselves into Quislings.

Diplomacy to gather international support and pressure until Israel withdraws from the last centimeter of land occupied in 1967 would be a wise path to take. Refugees would again suffer, but at least there would be more land left in West Bank to settle them there.

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