Thursday, February 06, 2014

We have one state solutions both in Burundi and Rwanda. Death toll in Burundi's almost unnoticed civil war was 300 000 and during Rwanda's 52 years of independence 1.2 million people have been killed in ethnic violence according to Rwandan official statistics.
Yet the same Western leaders who chant "Jewish state!" when it comes to Palestine, are quite happy to accept one state solutions in Burundi and Rwanda.
Let's remember that Britain in effect created the whole conflict. There were 84 000 Jews in Palestine when Britain took over, and when it left, there were over 630 000.
Jews, in the words of the first British governor of Palestine, were intended to be the local "loyal Ulstermen" who would be the pillar of the British rule, because they would owe everything and would depend on Britain.
Burundi and Rwanda show that Western governments are quite happy to support one state solutions even after massive bloodshed, yet they use the possibility of a future bloodshed to oppose a one state solution in Palestine.
Which I find very unlikely. One state in Palestine would be in a very different position, a likely EU and NATO member.
Britain's role in creating this problem has very much to do with a solution, as reminding the British government and people of this fact might actually make them more likely to support a solution, instead of accepting the status quo.
Britain sells large amount of weapons, ammunition and parts used in manufacture of weapons to Israel too and in the UN Security Council Britain has been reluctant to push or even let to pass any action directed to ending the occupation without US approval.
When Palestinians sought to have the Security Council to vote for full membership for Palestine in UN, British government indicated that it would not support it nor vote against it.
There are people who have been living in refugee camps for 66 years because of what Britain did and did not do when it ruled Palestine.
Bluntly said, Britain owes more to those people than David Cameron complaining about boycotts against Israel as "attempts to delegimitise Israel".


If Britain would truly support a two state solution in Palestine, it should recognize the state of Palestine.
Instead the British position is that Palestine can't be recognized without approval from Israel, which is daily creating new "facts on the ground" to make this impossible.
Since the peace negotiations began again in the summer, Israel has announced almost 11 000 new illegal settlement housing units on occupied areas.
Latest announcement is 558 new illegal settlement housing units in East Jerusalem, where Israel destroyed the homes of over 1000 Palestinians during 2013 and dozens more already during this year.
The British position that any movement towards solution is conditional of Israeli regime accepting it freely without outside pressure will only lead to a one state solution.

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