Monday, May 12, 2014

Comment to

Rather one-sided.

Russia currently is on path to fascism. It has increasingly authoritarian government allied with big business that jointly control the economy - the standard Fascist model.

Ukraine's revolution wasn't all that pluralist - leftwingers have told how many other protesters didn't want them to be there and tried to run them away from the Maidan. Now Ukraine's communist party is shunned by the new regime.

And there are some real fascists, relatively small in number but vocal and influential in action, among the supporters of Ukraine's new regime and far-right party is part of the new regime.

The manipulation of US and European "powers" seems to have played a role in Ukraine's events, so it's not just Czar Vladimir meddling in Ukraine's internal affairs, and European opposition to to this must be seen in the context of US' blundering, elephant in a porcelain shop -style march through burning countries during this century.

Yankees with their typically short memory may have already forgotten Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and the consequences of those wars but the Europeans haven't. We don't want a repeat of the Middle East chaos you caused with your attack in Iraq to be replayed in eastern Europe. It will hurt us hell of a lot more than you.

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