Friday, January 29, 2016

Yesterday January 28th Israel's occupation forces' military court in effect took away the lives of the five young Hares boys, victims of a witch hunt and torture, whose lives had already been suspended through almost three years of captivity.
The boys were sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, with time served, after their families were put through final humiliation and were forced to ask for contributions to pay heavy fines to Israel so that the boys would not be sentenced to prison for even a longer period.
And the comment from the illegal Israeli settler, whose faulty driving on occupied area caused the accident that started the torment of the five boys? This is not enough, she wants "death sentence" to the boys.
What is this if not a death sentence, young lives ended when aged 15-16!
What is now needed is not defeatism, but solidarity action on all fronts to support the boys and demand their freedom - you can start by sharing this post - and when you boycott Israel, you now also do it for the liberty of the Hares Boys.
We share a post from the dedicated page to the boys's struggle announcing the sentence and further explaining what the Hares Boys have gone through:
It is now official: the five youths from Hares village will be kept locked up in a Zionist occupation prison for 15 years. They are to see freedom and hug their mothers again in 2028.
All this without any real evidence of their supposed guilt, except for "confessions" signed after torture when these boys were only 16, taken away in the middle of the night without access to a lawyer, beaten and abused by armed men in uniforms.
All this after almost 3 years going back and forth between Zionist prison and military court, where sessions were conducted in Hebrew which none of the boys speak, and where the three individuals in judge's chairs are military personnel. Of that same military that has been occupying Palestine for decades.
All this after almost 3 years of protests, demonstrations, letter-writing, petition-signing, and other forms of solidarity from good people around the globe who believe in justice.
Mohammed Kleib, Mohammed Suleiman, Ali Shamlawi, Tamer Souf, and Ammar Souf. Five beautiful boys who loved to play football and were getting ready for their school-leaving exams.
These boys' lives have been taken away from them. Five tragedies, five families that lost their sons to the Zionist system that seeks to destroy Palestine and the Palestinians. Boy by boy, mother by mother, family by family.
Thank you all. Thank you for believing in justice. Thank you for fighting for it. Thank you for standing up to zionist crimes.
Perhaps justice still has a chance.
And remember - no one of us is truly free, until all are.

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