Saturday, October 01, 2016


28 y/o Palestinian named Nasim Abu Mizer / Abu Mazer has been killed at Qalandia checkpoint by Israel's occupation forces late on Friday evening.

As far as we can know now, he was shot sometime before ten p.m. and was dead before eleven p.m. on Palestine time.

Abu Mizer was shot and left to bleed for almost an hour without being given medical aid after alleged attack on Israeli occupation forces' member, who would have supposedly been 'stabbed' in neck according to one source, and to 'upper body' according to another.

Israel's occupation forces didn't allow Palestinian medics to reach the bleeding young man and refused to give aid to him themselves in contravention to laws of war.

The health status of the occupier - either a member of regular occupation forces or a paramilitary 'Border Guard' based on different sources - was described to be "moderate to serious".

At this point, based on the few photographs we have seen from the scene, we believe that the allegation seems likely to be factual when it comes to the basic details - assuming that the injured occupier wasn't injured by friendly fire.

The victim Nasimn Abu Mizer was from the town of Kafr Aqab.

After he had been shot and was bleeding to death, Israeli occupation closed the checkpoint and used tear gas to attack local youths protesting the killing.


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