Saturday, February 27, 2016

On Friday Israel's occupation shot Mohammad Ali Sha’lan, name also given as Mahmoud Muhammad Ali Shalaan(17), several times to various parts of his body near the illegal Israeli colony of Beit El north of Ramallah in occupied West Bank.
The teenager was left to bleed to death and his body was stripped by Israeli occupation at some point before or after his death and left to lie on the ground.
After he was stripped the photos from the scene show his head in some photos facing at the camera and in others away from it. Either Israeli occupation soldiers moved his head or he was still alive and was able to still move it himself.
Israeli occupation has made its usual "had a knife, tried to stab a soldier" claim. No occupation soldiers were injured and no knife has been seen by us in photographs from the scene of the teen's death.
Mohammad Ali Sha’lan had US citizenship and he lived in the small town of Deir Dibwan south-west of where he was killed. His body was handed over by the Israeli occupation later on Friday.
Israeli Army Kills A Palestinian-American Teen Near Ramallah

Palestinian shot dead after reported stab attempt on soldiers near Beit El

Palestinian youth gunned down after alleged stabbing attack…

Friday, February 26, 2016

Former Palestinian political prisoner Omar Zayed(52) has been found killed inside Palestine's embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he had sought refuge against Bulgaria's attempt to extradite him to Israel, which wanted to re-imprison him against the Oslo Accords, according to which all political prisoners imprisoned before it were to be freed.
His family has confirmed his death and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, whose member he was, has accused Israel of killing him.
Omar Zayed was imprisoned by Israel in 1986 and jailed with several others, accused of having taken part in the killing of an illegal Israeli settler. After being tortured in prison and held in solitary confinement for two months he fought a forty day hunger-strike in 1990 and escaped during a hospital visit, making his way to Bulgaria, which had recognized Palestine's independence.
In Bulgaria he married, had three children and took part in the activities of the local Palestinian community. For all appearances he played no role of significance, if any, in PFLP's activities during his time in Bulgaria, working as a grocer with his Bulgarian wife.
Last year Israel suddenly demanded his extradition and Bulgaria, whose government is eager to seek United States' favours through pleasing Israel in rhetoric and action, sought to arrest and extradite him. His home was searched and his son briefly arrested, and he himself sought refuge from Palestinian embassy.
It was widely believed that Israel tried to use his case as a test case if it could get former political prisoners of greater importance extradited from other European countries. Now it seems that Israel wanted more than that; Zayed's death, if Israel is behind it, can only be seen as a deliberate provocation.
There were global protests in his behalf, campaigns targeting Bulgarian and European Union political leaders, we highlighted some of these actions here, but these were in vain and it for all likelihood seems that Israel - in that case with the help of the government and security services of Bulgaria, we have to assume - has once again shown utter disregard for law and worldwide opinion.
Omar Zayed found dead inside Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria…/omar-zayed-found-dead-inside-pales…/

Palestinian ex-prisoner assassinated in Bulgaria…

Palestinian facing extradition takes refuge in Bulgaria embassy…/palestinian-facing-e…/15082

Palestinian evades Israel extradition in Sofia embassy…/palestinian-evades-israel-extrad…

Monday, February 22, 2016

On 2nd November Israel's occupation forces killed 16 y/o Ahmad Abu al-Rub claiming that "he had tried to stab a soldier".
Yesterday, Saturday February 21st, Israel's occupation forces shot and killed his cousin Qusai Abu al-Rub claiming that he had "ran towards soldiers with a knife".
Qusai was, according to different sources, aged 15, 16 or 17 and was from the village of Qabatia, which has seen several of its children and youths killed during the current uprising. He was shot over ten times.
In the same incident Mahmoud Mo’men Kamil(17) was arrested. We assume that this is the same Mahmoud Mo’men Kamil who was also arrested when Ahmad Abu al-Rub was killed.
Two other minors, a boy aged 14 and a girl aged 17, were arrested also on Sunday by Israel's occupation forces on the accusation of "trying to stab a soldier" in two separate incidents.
Our own calculations would make Qusai Abu al-Rub the 41st person under age 18 to have been killed by Israeli occupation since Oct 1, but this is based on news sources and Defense of Children - Palestine recently came up with more solid numbers. Based on these, he is the 50th.
At the same time, to their credit, occupied Palestinians have not killed a single Israeli minor, which shows the large moral difference between the occupier and the occupied.
Army Kills A Palestinian Teen Near Nablus

IOF kidnap 14-year-old child for an alleged stabbing attempt…/iof-kidnap-14-year-old-child-under…/

IOF kidnap two girls under suspicion of “wielding knives”…/iof-kidnap-two-girls-under-suspici…/

Israeli soldiers kill 15-year-old Palestinian near Beita checkpoint

Palestinian teen shot-dead by IOF, northern West Bank…/palestinian-youth-shot-dead-by-iof…/

Teenager Killed, One Wounded, Near Jenin