Friday, July 09, 2004

Palestinians Praise World Court Decision. More.

All columns that I have read about the decision are basically declaring that the Court´s decision won´t change anything. Pessimism - or in some cases, optimism - rules.

I wonder, do those who whine about the Court first taking the case and then about it´s decision at all consider the larger complications of the case?

They just whine that Israel should have the right to do whatever
it wants and that no one has the right to stand against Israel
and that Israel has the right to steal as much Palestinian land
as possible, and none of them thinks at all that this isn´t an
isolated case, that if Israel gets away with this, then it will
encourage others to do so too. And that if Israel would
obey the ruling, then it would strenghten international law
and would help solve conflicts peacefully.

But to these "Israel über alles" folk Israel is always a special
case, totally isolated from the rest of the humanity.

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