Saturday, June 19, 2004

Arafat recognises Jewish state and limit to return of refugees.

Nothing new here really. Arafat has said this before
and most of the PLO top brass seem to share his view;
but there are differences. One earlier interview
suggested that Arafat wanted a right of return to
about 400 000 refugees - Mahmoud Abbas wanted a higher
number. According a gallup last year, some 400 000
- 500 000 refugees want to return to Israel. Probably
a higher number would want to, if the borders would be
drawn so, that they could return to a Palestinian state.

PLO gave up 78% Palestine in the Oslo agreement - and
for this Israel takes half of West Bank, leaving some
10% to the Palestinians. One should not make concessions
to the Israelis. After all, this just makes them think
that they can get you make more and more and more...

I just hope that in the end this game that the Israelis
are playing backfires and they end in the ditch themselves.
They certainly deserve it after everything they have made.

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