Sunday, June 20, 2004

Steve Forbes:Getting Serious About Syria and Iran.

My mother used to say that reading too much Bible
makes you crazy, but I think that having too much
money has the same effect.

US military expedition to Syria? Occupying part of Syria?
From the ivory tower of money it´s easy to make idiotic
plans and forget the realities; like that there is no
shred of evidence that Syria supports Iraqi guerillas
- for by the way - have a right to resist US occupation
under international law. And that the US has few friends
in the Middle East - and the world - and that kind of
gung-ho imperialism would just makes things hell of a
lot worse for US - and especially the locals. Which seems
to be too complicated for the nut.

Why not a military expedition to Turkey and the creation
of a buffer zone against possible future Turkish incursions
to northern Iraq which could unstabilize Iraq? After all,
Turkish troops have been a common sight in the northern
Iraq Kurdistan since the Gulf War and Turkey has a large,
oppressed Kurdish population.

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