Saturday, August 31, 2013

Baath regime is dominated by Alawis, who are a small minority inside the Shiias.

The Sunni&Shia conflict is almost something of a myth; one of those Huntingdonian conflicts that don't tend to survive close scrutiny well. It does exist, but in every day life it has almost always been just a theological divide.

When Sunni and Shia states have fought, it has usually been about geopolitics (like when Sunni Ottoman Empire fought for over a century in major wars against the Shia Safavid Empire over Mesopotamia) and the same tends to be true now.

Gulf despotates and Saudi Arabia's al-Saud family business can veil their goals in religion - and same goes for their opponents - but behind the Sunni assault that has taken over Arab Spring in Syria are really geopolitics, not religion.

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf despots are trying to weaken Iran's increased power in the Middle East and destroy it's allies.

If they succeed in Syria, they will target Hezbollah in Lebanon and then try to re-install Sunni minority in power in Iraq.

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