Sunday, September 11, 2016

A person I know, trust and guarantee personally:

My name is Simon Aondofa Kure. I am a 23 year old, I have a spinal cord injury that has confined me to a wheelchair. I am also a student at the Great Bethel International College in the town of Gboko, where I live, and I humbly ask your help.

I am well aware that there a lot of charlatans trying to cheat people. I'm not one of them. I am a real person with a very real handicap that affects each aspect of my life. I have been fighting against the odds to get as far as I have, but now everything is in danger. This is no marketing talk from a fraudster, this is simply the fact where my life currently is.

I have not been able to start the current season because of lack of funds to pay college fees. This is my second attempt to raise enough to pay for the continuation of my education through crowdfunding. I hope that you will consider my educational aspiration worthy of your help.

What I am asking doesn't come easily to me. I'm a proud young man, but in these circumstances I face I have to ask help to be able to complete my education. Because of my medical condition I consider it my one hope of being able to create an independent life and being able to give back to society and my family.

My home town of Gboko is situated in the middle-belt state of Benue in Nigeria, near the border with Cameroon.

We are not enjoying free education or state support and because of my medical condition, it's basically impossible for me to work pay for the necessary fees and basic materials I need for studying. I suffered a spinal cord injury after falling from a height and have been bound to a wheelchair ever since.

That hasn't stopped me from studying, but it has put restrictions on my life that are now endangering the completion of my studies. I'm not begging, I'm just asking for help. I can guarantee this is no scam. I can't offer anything in exchange but to work for the best of my ability to complete my studies.

My great dream is to use my education to create an independent existence for myself and use my education for the betternment of my local community and my country after I have graduated.

I ask that you could help me to achieve that dream. Even a small donation is received with great appreciation, and if you can't make a donation, please consider at least sharing this crowfunding effort for my education in the social media.

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