Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Kurds Threaten to Bolt Iraq Government. More.

The problem with independent Iraqi Kurdistan is
that nobody excepts the Kurds want it and are
ready to support it. In Africa, Somaliland ceded
from Somalia in 1991 and is a minor success story;
it´s stable and at least it´s people have hope
of a better future, something that most people of
(former) Somalia can´t claim. But no country in the
world has recognized the independence of Somaliland.

Somalia went to pieces after the ousting of the
dictator Mohammed Siad Barre. He too, like Saddam
Hussein, was a dictator who kept a divided country
together with the use of force. It´s too early to
say the same about Saddam Hussein, but it would
have been preferable in Somalia for the dictatorship
to continue, if the only other option would have
been the mess of the last 13 years.

Independent Iraqi Kurdistan could work - if somebody,
US or Iran, would keep Turkey out. Certainly the
Kurds, and not only in Iraq, deserve their own country.
But in reality, what one deserves has nothing to do
with geopolitical realities. And the fact is, that
a few, maybe no, countries would recognize independent
Kurdistan and that Turkey would start massing troops
behind the border.

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