Friday, December 17, 2004

Fundamentalism begins at home.

People are talking about religious revival, especially in the Anglo-Saxon states, but what the new religious fervor in parts of the "Christendom" and "Islamic world" isn´t, is new found belief in god and a victory of the spirit over the materialistic, secular values. No, what comes clear is that in both cases is that the average "reborn" believer is simply scared. The world is changing, there´s no certainty in life, you can´t plan your life to the grave as you parents could have done. These are not optimistic times. There are real, imagined and exaggarated threats aplenty and as their ancestors did, in these cases part of the populations seek firm ground, stability and a new direction to their lifes from religion. There´s absolutely nothing new in this. Religions have always flourished in times of peril and change. And if we win the real threats, if we can find new stability in the world, a new era of materialistic, secular non-religiousness will begin.

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