Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Mahmoud Abbas, who readies for his coronation after Marwan Barghouti´s forced withdrawal from the election, calls for the end of armed resistance. To the current leaders of the Israel this is only a sign of weakness which they think that shows that their current murderous tactics and stealing of land pays off, so that no chance of tactics is needed. The thing is, that the only language the Likudniks understand is the language of force. And what the Palestinians should do, is not to surrender meakly or kill civilians outside the Occupied areas, but to show that the wall used for landgrabbing doesn´t work. If they can blow up an Israeli base in the Gaza, they can certainly try to destroy even a small part of the wall - and the new zionist settlements in the West Bank.

If there would be new elections in Israel and if there would be a new government led by people who want peace and not more land, then it would be apropriate for Abbas to call for the end of armed resistance, but then make sure that he also can deliver what he promises.

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