Thursday, April 11, 2013

(Comment to a misleading CNN report, part XXIX.)

As it happens, I don't make slurs about Jews controlling money. I tend to avoid racial-ethnic-religious stereotypes as much as I can. Sometimes I go too far in avoiding sensibilities.

The fact is that Israel controls US government's Middle East policy through Israeli Lobby and the tens of millions of Zionist Christian voters. Some very wealthy Jewish Americans have spent fortunes to influence US policy in favour of extremist Israeli policies. You probably remember some names from the last presidential election.

US Congressmen are simply paid to be Israeli lackeys.

It's a corrupt system, but it has nothing to do as such with Judaism althought the people involved make such claims. Other groups compete to have similar influence and some have success also.

Morocco has succesfully, through lobbying heavily US politicians, kept up the occupation of Western Sahara, which should have ended twenty years ago after the armistice was signed. There was supposed to be a referendum under UN supervision with the end result a fait accompli, but Morocco has blocked it for 22 years with US support.

A lot of money has went to US politicians from the Moroccan regime. Thanks to this, US has kept up the occupation of "the last colony in Africa" and Morocco has made promises of transferring much of Western Saharan natural resources to major US companies. Gas, oil.

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