Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Samer Issawi has been 256 days on hunger strike.

Daniel Finkelstein, a fanatical pro- Greater Israel editor of The Times of London, declared during the Gaza massacre of 2009 that because the West hadn't saved Anne Frank, the "West" had no right to criticize anything at all that Israel did to the Palestinians, but had to support Israel unconditionally without any criticism. 

This was outrageous. Finkelstein was using a world famous victim of the Nazis as a post-mortem human shield to protect Israel from criticism, evoking Anne Frank's memory was just another way of trying to keep the massacre ongoing. Thus Anne Frank's tragic fate became just another weapon for Israel to be used to kill people.

If the West now lets Samer Issawi to die, then using the Daniel Finkelstein -logic the same can be said about the West and the Palestinians. If you don't save Samer Issawi, dear West, then you can't criticize anything at all that Palestinians do to Israel, but have to support everything that Palestinians do to it, without any criticism whatsoever.

This way Daniel Finkelstein's loathsome "Anne Frank defence" becomes bitterly satirical "Daniel Finkelstein defence".

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