Sunday, June 12, 2016

Here at IPNOT we condemn the shooting in Orlando, United States which has cost the lives of 50 people. Targeting people based on their sexual orientation is wrong.

We have no problem in supporting justified resistance against accusations of terrorism and we have no problem in condemning actual terrorism, done by state or individuals, when we see it and this is a case of terrorism and a massacre.

At the same time we can't but look at some comments. "This is a tragedy of unimaginable proportions" says a headline. Yet in Iraq, Syria and Yemen a day with 50 or 100 people killed in the conflicts raging in those countries is "normal".

Those deaths makes no major headlines, they don't dominate news almost everywhere in the globe. A bias in the media exists, which we have seen so many times before. Lives in European countries and the Anglo-Saxon countries from European colonies around the globe are vastly more 'important' to the media than lives in 'less developed' countries.

This we see in Palestine also. When a Palestinian child or mother is killed by the Israeli occupation, it often goes unreported by major media organizations. If it does, it will reported on the terms of the occupation: The standard claims of stabbing or supposed ramming. Even in death the shackles of the occupation bind the Palestinian victims in its narrative.

For oppressed peoples to gain their freedom, we must report from their point of view. Whether its ethnic, gender, religious or sexual minorities, or people occupied and oppressed in their own native land, like in Palestine. That is our goal here at IPNOT: Helping to achieve liberty by telling events from the viewpoint of the occupier.

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