Saturday, April 17, 2004

Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi´s death doesn´t bring any tears to my eyes.
But murder is no solution. And three other people, one of them
bystander, died too.

I do sincerely hope that the leaders of Israel will get the same
treatment they are so eager to give to others. If they think that it
is their right to kill people without trial, so let their own fate be the

Eye for an eye, ear for an ear. That´s after all is the favorite
recipe of Israel´s own leadership. Endless spiral of blood.
Hopefully they will one day find out what it´s like to lie in pool
of your own blood, dying.

Almost 4000 people have died because of them in the last three
and a half years, after Sharon stormed the al-Aqsa mosque. It
would be time for him to by for his crimes with his own life. Because
fact is, he will never face trial. Not even for his shady business
dealings - George the Simple´s gift pretty much ensured that.

Now Israel´s leadership waves a red flag before Hamas.

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