Thursday, April 29, 2004

These misperceptions are pillars of Bush's support,
according to a study by the University of Maryland:
57 % of those surveyed "believe that before the war
Iraq was providing substantial support to al-Qaida",
and 45% "believe that evidence that Iraq was supporting
al-Qaida has been found". Moreover, 65% believe that
"experts" have confirmed that Iraq had WMD.

Sidney Blumenthal:Pulp fictions triumph over truth,
The Guardian 29.04.2004.

US Republicans have been claiming some time, that US
presidents "should not be too wise". No wonder, after all,
their is the party of Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George
Bush I and II and vice presidents Spiro Agnew and Dan Quale.

But nowadays it seems, that the the saying should probably
go "Presidents should not be too wise, and the voters
shouldn´t be too wise either."

After all, there are two possible explanations for these kind
of poll results: a)Americans are mostly liars, they either know
the facts but choose lies that suite them better, or they don´t
have sufficient knowledge and choose the more "patriotic"
answer b) Lack of intelligence, stupidity.

I saw a gallup half a year ago, which stated that 59% of those
Americans that voted George Bush II in the 2000 elections,
claimed that they didn´t follow news at all. Not at all.

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