Monday, April 12, 2004

Have there been any thought in the US government on what kind
of effects their generous reward to Israel for the pullout from Gaza
will have in the Muslim countries and Iraq?

"Because Israel have withdrawn from Gaza, we will know give them
written promise, that they can gobble up 50% of the West Bank."
This is it what they will utter and happy smile will spread on their
stupid faces when they have uttered it. "They will love us in Israel
and all the evangelical Christians will vote George!" will be the
Republican message.

Yes, but the price will be paid in three fronts: 1)In American blood
in Iraq, where the attacks will intensify and the environment will
become even more hostile 2)The project of making Middle East
democratic can be buried, no doubt about it, whatever the neocons
claim and 3)the price of oil will go up, as the arabic countries punish

And what will then happen to George in November?

Well, George will be an unemployed man, come January the 20th!

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