Monday, November 01, 2004

Deadly Embrace


Suicide bombing kills far fewer people than conventional warfare; the reactions it provokes must, therefore, reside somewhere other than in the number of the dead... The horror would appear to be associated with the fact that the attacker also dies. Dropping cluster bombs from the air is not only less repugnant: it is somehow deemed, by Western leaders at least, to be morally superior.

It´s a curious thing how the same people who claim that suicide bombers can´t be understood or they actions accepted can themselves admire people who for example commit suicide by burning themselves in a public place as a protest. Horrible way to die too. And if somebody claim that the difference is in it that the suicide bomber kills others than himself too, then certainly we should condemn every soldier who has ever died in a war.

I personally can´t understand why somebody can accept for example the actions of a fighter pilot or an artillery officer - in the Iraq war, 95% of civilian casualties caused by the US and it´s vassal states have been caused by air strikes and artillery bombardments - and not accept the actions of a suicide bomber. Simply put it, they are hypocrites. Anyway, suicide bombing is not really the result of anything else than lack of alternative ways to wage war. If some side has attack helicopters, jet fighters and cruise missiles, they don´t have to use suicide bombers (or non-suicide bombs of the "amateur" variety). But if they don´t have, then they use what they have. Sometimes that may not be more than human beings and crude explosives.

So, if the Palestinians would have the same kind of weapons that Israel has, then instead of this latest suicide bombing they could have used more "acceptable" way to attack their occupiers - and kill far more people.

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